Northern wind ripping through, do I stay or do I go? I’m going! Five months of no canoeing, time to get the canoe under me again and live. Twenty two minutes later I am in the lee. Ciss Stream will give me access to Round Pond campsite.
If possible, call the Maine Game Warden Service and North Maine Woods to confirm the levels on Allagash and Caucomgomoc Streams. There are no USGS gages on either of those streams. Though, I thought there was a gage on Caucomgomoc? Gages come and go…
Best to ask if the Warden has paddled the stream at present level before? What did they experience, solo, tandem and what difficulties did they have? I carried three times due to high water. Solo, I needed to be safe.
Unfortunately, the Allagash River and St. John River are horribly low. Better to have more water than less.
Wind is ever present, no way to plan or know. I met three fisherman as I was doing the final gear check. They told me two days before the lake was covered in ice. Due to constant high winds the ice broke, waved and evaporated due to the high angled sun and high winds. I survived after twenty two minutes of furious paddling, correcting and knowing I can best this headwind. Finally in the lee and headed for Ciss Stream.
The artwork of nature not ever fails me.