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Shenango River in Western PA

May 24, 2023
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Coraopolis, PA
Does anyone have experience paddling the 23 miles of the Shenango River between Pymatuning Reservoir and Shenango River Lake?

There is a published water trail here, but not much info. Best I could find is that it’s a class I float.

If you have paddled it, is there anywhere to backcountry camp along this stretch to turn it into an overnight trip?

Thanks in advance!
Hello, I live 10 minutes from there. We paddle it quite a bit. It is all Army Corps of Engineers land so no “legal” camping. Watch river gauge well, 2.5 feet to 5 feet on the Transfer PA gauge is best. It can rise and lower a lot. There are sever people in both Canoe clubs I’m in that will not paddle the Shenango do to strainers and high water. Reach out sometime my 5 daughters and I would paddle it anytime with you.
Hello, I live 10 minutes from there. We paddle it quite a bit. It is all Army Corps of Engineers land so no “legal” camping. Watch river gauge well, 2.5 feet to 5 feet on the Transfer PA gauge is best. It can rise mand lower a lot. There are sever people in both Canoe clubs I’m in that will not paddle the Shenango do to strainers and high water. Reach out sometime my 5 daughters and I would paddle it anytime with you.

Thanks for your reply. Where do you typically put in and take out? Are those members of the canoe clubs paranoid, or is the river fairly dangerous? Are the descriptions I’ve read about it being class I correct?

I may have to take you up on that offer. I’d like to pick your brain on other paddling destinations nearby.

Which canoe clubs are you a member of?

Hey Jake,

We generally do it in sections.

1. Pymatuning dam to riverside park in Greenville
2 Riverside park to New Hamburg Half way on this section is Kidds Mill covered bridge there are picnic tables there for a nice lunch and a great swimming hole we frequent several times a week in the summer.
3. Kidds Mill to Big Bend. My paddling friend Burt Martins favorite section. There is a Blue Heron Rookery on this section. I would have to look back over my notes but I think we paddled it in May last year and saw the nesting Heron’s. I lost count at 77 nests. It sure is something to see.

All of these are in the 8-9 miles range making them a leisurely paddle. Sometimes when we have a long day we will do Riverside park to Big bend. Again I would have to look at my notes but I think that is 14-16 miles.

It is a class I you are correct but at high water it turns scary due to down trees causing strainer danger. All the club members that will no longer paddle it have had high water close calls causing them to vowel not to paddle it again. My wife is in this camp. One club member had her solo canoe pinned on a tree. They could not get it out until a week later when the water level went down. Her little Kevlar canoe was bent in half. She had to take it to Dave Curtis to repair. I don’t think its bad but it catches people off guard when the water is high.

I am very active in the Trumbull Canoe Trails club. We have a lot of great trips on this years schedule. May 5th we are paddling French Creek from Utica to Franklin PA. May 18th I am leading a club trip on Red Bank Creek Summerville to Hawthorn PA. This is one of my favorite paddles it is about 11 miles 5 miles of which are in a 300ft canyon. In July I am leading a camping weekend with Throw rope training and Hypothermia training followed by the club picnic. Another highlight is Buckaloons camping in Sept. We car camp with paddling Sat. & Sun.

Burt Martin my neighbor and paddling friend has been the Vice President of the Allegheny Canoe Club for well over 40 years. In April we are heading to pine creek. Memorial Day weekend he leads a 3 day 2 night canoe camping trip on the West Branch of the Susquehanna. I am looking forward to this trip this year because I have never joined him on it yet. They have seen elk on this section.

We will have to catch up soon. I can send you trip schedules for both clubs.

I can send you trip schedules for both clubs.

Dustin, if those schedules are available online, please link them, or upload a screenshot or PDF if you can. There may be other canoeists here looking for trips. In fact, that gives me an idea for a thread dedicated to publishing club trips from all over.
This is all great info! Thanks Dustin.

I’m assuming this is when the gauge reads above the 2-5’ range you gave me earlier?
Ya. Above 5’ it gets really pushy. Again I think people underestimate what they are getting into then do not have a plan to avoid danger. I would paddle it at almost any level but know what to look out for.