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2023 Fund Drive Now On

Day 2 Cumulative Donations: 22
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,267
Views of this thread: 720

A few checks have been promised. I'll record them when received.
Glenn due to the PayPal issues I will be sending a check, probably go out next week.
This is by far the best site of the ones I follow.
For what it's worth... I belong to another forum, for collectors and fans of old Mercury outboard engines; johnsoldmercurysite.com. I know, that seems the antithesis of canoeing and tripping but I own and maintain a 1956 Barbour mahogany runabout and 1958 40hp Mercury outboard motor in addition to my canoes! On that forum, casual participants have access to a general forum but paying members have access to technical discussions, classifieds, and historical/technical papers, etc. Membership is $15.00 US per year; a tiny sum in return for significant information/ entertainment. That forum has 424 paying members generating $6,360.00/yr.

I would be curious to know canoe tripping.net users opinions on adopting a membership funding model in the future.
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My PayPal has Canoetripping as a goods and service. But, I can send to Glen MacGrady as friends and family. Should I do that or would you prefer it go to canoe tripping?
My PayPal has Canoetripping as a goods and service. But, I can send to Glen MacGrady as friends and family. Should I do that or would you prefer it go to canoe tripping?


Michael Pitt discovered that if you remove ctrippingnet@gmail.com from your contacts, where PayPal sees it as having been G&S from the last fund drive, then when you try ctrippingnet@gmail.com again, PayPal should then give you the G&S or F&F options. Try that. If you can't escape from G&S, so be it. Just send it.

I'd rather not have donations flowing into my other and personal PP account.
On that forum, casual participants have access to a general forum but paying members have access to technical discussions, classifieds, and historical/technical papers, etc. Membership is $15.00 US per year; a tiny sum in return for significant information/ entertainment. That forum has 424 paying members generating $6,360.00/yr.

I would be curious to know canoe tripping.net users opinions on adopting a membership funding model in the future.


I could structure the site with two tiers of membership. Such as, only the paying tier gets to view the trip report and boat build forums. Or such as, only the paying tier gets to post and view photos and videos. But I've chosen to give all members full access to everything on the belief—hopefully not naive—that anyone here can afford and be willing to pay $13.33 a year. Because that's what it amounts to when I have suggested $40 for three years of no fund drives.

Nevertheless, I don't want to further bulk up this thread with discussions of paid membership tiers. We could discuss that when this fund drive is over. Or I could just implement some sort of privileges only for the site supporters if the fund drive fails.
It would be nice to receive a small donation from those who don't post much but have used the site to sell clothes, equipment, and canoes, or even link a trip report from their own website, yet never post here.

This has always been a pet peeve of mine since the early days.
Me too.
Glenn, I just sent you a donation via PayPal, but it might have been to the wrong address (your name was there from a purchase I made from you before). Let me know if I screwed up.
Glenn, I just sent you a donation via PayPal, but it might have been to the wrong address (your name was there from a purchase I made from you before). Let me know if I screwed up.

I received it, Mason, and in the proper account. Thanks so much!
Day 3 Cumulative Donations: 28
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,268
Views of this thread: 1,000+
I may have did the paypal thing wrong. When I put ctrippingnet at gmail.com in, Your name popped up underneath and I thought ya that's it, and clicked on it. Sorry if that was wrong, I almost never send money on PP so I'm kinda dumb. Let me know if I need to corect this somehow.
Day 4 Cumulative Donations: 31
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,268
Views of this thread: 1,000++

Since its founding in 2011, this site has always been financially supported by member donations and has never had an ad.

This is the first fund drive in 26 months. Historically, they had been held annually. We were able to go this long because our September 2021 fund drive secured a generous average donation of $40 USD ($55 CAD). If we can match that level of contribution again, I’m confident the site can be run for three years.

So, please donate whatever you can, but keep in mind that you can make this the only fund drive between 2021 and 2026 if you are able to contribute the price of two large pizzas and two drinks.

I’ve worked on this site at least an hour every day for 822 consecutive days to revive and make it an interesting place for all of us, our written legacies, and future generations of canoeists. Please help to keep it not only afloat, but on a rising tide.


You can contribute two ways, PayPal being greatly preferred:

→ 1. Log in to your PayPal account and send your donation to this email address: ctrippingnet at gmail.com

On the screen where you enter the amount, please put your real name and your screen name in the PayPal "Add a Message" field, so I know who sent what.

On the next screen, choose to send the funds via the "For friends and family" option NOT the "For goods and services" option.

→ 2. Make checks payable to Glenn MacGrady and mail them to:

Glenn MacGrady
36 Old Park Lane Rd.
New Milford, CT 06776

If mailing a check, please include a note with your real name and your screen name.

Everyone who donates will get a “Site $upporter” title under their avatar.

Thanks so much for your needed support!
Donation sent. Thanks for what you do, Glenn.