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Web Yoke or Strap Yoke

Mar 17, 2016
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Hoosier State
I looked at the different yoke options for a solo canoe. The web yoke was discussed extensively. I was wondering whether the web yoke is a tump or intended to sit on the shoulders. Thank you in advance for your help.
The web yoke for the Mohawks I have are for the shoulders.
I looked at the different yoke options for a solo canoe. The web yoke was discussed extensively. I was wondering whether the web yoke is a tump or intended to sit on the shoulders. Thank you in advance for your help.
The 2 inch web yokes I install are for my shoulders.
On one of my earliest builds, I installed two center thwarts, each about 12” from center. Then I made two nylon straps that fit between those thwarts.
Those straps fit my shoulders, that boat was 62 lbs and still was comfortable for me.
When not needed, I slid the straps out to the gunnels and out of the way.
Maybe you wanna try something like that?
Yeah, shoulders. I've never used a web or fabric yoke. I've used the same portable wooden clamp-on yoke for my solo canoes for 40 years. I never needed a yoke for short trips to and from the car to the water with light boats, which I can carry on one shoulder or my head. I think some folks like @yellowcanoe have found wrap-around fabric yokes to be less than ideal in some situations.
Here we go:

Prism 1.jpg

Web yoke with cam buckle, attached with three stainless steel screws and washers on each side into the wood gunwales. I melted holes into the webbing with a hot nail. It would be a heck of a lot more comfortable if the seat tubing wasn't parting my nonexistent hair on both sides. :) I have to bend my head forward to make it work. As you have stated, for the trip from the car to the water it's adequate. My plan is to eeeease the canoe onto my shoulders to avoid damaging the gunwales.

Here is plan B (homemade except for the clamps.):

Prism 2.jpg
I've been using Plan B with reasonable success with my Colden DF.

The web strap on the Mohawk is not at the seat like your Wenona is.