• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Whitney Wilderness Trip or Sometimes Things Don't Go As Planned!

Nice TR, these thing happen sometime, glad you made use of your time up there.
When is your next ADK trip? Any particular route?
I doubt that I will get back up to the ADK until next year (at least) but will be up Minnesota way in the autumn and hope to schedule in some time in the BWCA. My next ADK trip will include a closer eye on the weather before going in!

Thanks to all for the replies and sharing your experiences.
Old post, but :) I'm interested int he GR Clasic XL. What does yours weigh? Do you like tripping in it?
Old post, but :) I'm interested int he GR Clasic XL. What does yours weigh? Do you like tripping in it?
The Grasse River Classic XL works well for me as a solo tripper. The weight of 25 lbs. makes this 16.5 foot canoe very easy to portage. I made a portage yoke for it that keeps the tractor seat off my head and pads my shoulders, which is nice but not really necessary at this weight except on a long carry. It also works well with my weight (around 180 Lbs. so I figure the regular Classic might be a bit small) and 50-60 lbs. of gear. It could probably hold twice that in gear without difficulty, but I tend to travel light. For lake and open river travel with portages, this is my go-to canoe out of my current, but everchanging, stable of 7 boats.

Upsides: Fast, lightweight, tracks well, relatively dry, works well in winds, carries weight well, tougher layup than I would have expected for it's weight. More stable than I guessed when I bought it and even more so with a load in it.
Downsides: Not a canoe for tight twisty rivers or whitewater; maneuverability is not its strong point. It would probably not make the most comfortable canoe for fishing due to the narrowness (26") verses a wider canoe.

If you like to travel light and fast, this could be a great tripper for you.
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That is disheartening. It is rough when you find something for sale that you want and then the seller does not understand the "art of negotiation".

It should go like this: He sets a sale price that he would like, you make a lower offer, he counter-offers with a price between the two and you accept or make another offer between your offer and his counter-offer. Or you accept his first offer and pay the asking price. But a man who sets a price to attract a buyer and then raises it is either a churlish lout or truly has no concept of honoring one's word.

Good luck with the on-going quest for a Classic XL. It will be worth it when you find one.

I do apologize for the rant; this is a pet peeve of mine.
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This guy was a gem for sure, not only did he agree to a price then raise the price over the original asking price, after questioning he said the boat had major repairs that increased the weight by 10 pounds.
Great trip report. The story only goes to prove, you can never have a bad day in the Adirondacks.