Another project that has been on the back burner for too long is an environmental fireplace. In Bill Masons book Song Of The Paddle he talks about this fireplace.

The book doesn’t give any dimensions but it looks rather large. And since he already did the sketching I could go right to CAD (cardboard aided design) to get an idea of sizes. For the model I didn’t fabricate the inner tray.

The next step was to buy some steel. I bought two each of 12”x18” and 12”x24” 22 ga weldable steel. You don’t want galvanized because when the first fire is built it will give off toxic fumes.
When I started to layout some of the pieces I decided to decrease the size and I got the whole fireplace out of just the two 12”x18” pieces.
Here are all the individual pieces.

Then everything nested together.

The grill (from a toaster oven I think) might not last in the heat but I’ll start with it. It will need to be cut down to nest also if it doesn’t destroy itself in the first couple of burns.

All set up.

It weighs in at just 3 pounds.

And this is what is left over from those two sheets.

It is roughly 7” x10” with 6” tall sides. If this size works well for me I will be making another one from some titanium that I have.
Too late to do a burn today but maybe tomorrow I’ll make some tea in the back yard.