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Site Announcement!

Doug, many thanks for your time and patience with the varied personalities on this board.
You were a worthy successor to Robin.
I'm sure Dave will do justice to the administration of this informative collection of information and personal insight.
I’m sure Dave will do a fine job, as you did Doug, and you too Robin.
But please, out of respect for his family, let’s not forget Willis, who started this wonderful gathering.
I Look forward to many more years of entertainment, information and stunning trip reports.
Again, thanks to all
Doug - Thanks so much for sharing your time and talents with us to keep the forum going. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. I wish you all the best as you leave this challenge and take on new ones.

DaveO - A hearty welcome to your new role. Thanks for keeping the gang together and moving us into the future.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Thank you Doug for having kept this great site up and running. I enjoy it every day. Robin's tenure and wise choice of successor has proven that administering this site requires far more work than most of us are ever aware of. Thanks again to both of you. Can't imagine the headaches that taking on such a voluntary position can cause.

Thank you DaveO for throwing your hat into the ring. Don't hesitate to let us know if additional fundraisers would assist in setting up and running the archive capability.

Doug, I am glad that the back is well enough for you to be busy and active.

Wow, I can't believe you've been running the show for 4 years already.

It's good to realize when it's time to stop doing something rather than continuing to beat your head against a wall, and it's even better to find someone you know and trust to take over the reigns.

You've done a great job, Doug. I hope busy work means lots of money and that you can retire in a couple years and then see the world by canoe.

Looking forward to continued good leadership under Dave.

I hope I am not overstepping my bounds here, and if I am DougD or DaveO please delete this post, or ask me to do so.

This advertisement-free board runs on the contributions of members. Not just folk’s willingness to freely share what they know and do, where they have been tripping and how, funny stories and topical paddling news, which are the backbone of this site, but also, as important, members financial contributions to the once a year fundraiser.

I’ve caught glimpses of the benefactor list during past raffle videos. Freeze on that list, it is straight up 45 or 50 people, year after year, providing all of the yearly financing to pay the monthly hosting fee, IT support costs and now licensing transfer fee that keep this place running.

The Admins have all worked for free, otherwise this site would not exist. I’m sure the recent hack, IT recovery costs, new owner/admin license transfer and etc have put a sizeable dent in the coffers.

With 1000+ registered members – or even just the 150 “active” members – dang, come on people, we can do better next fundraiser. I know I visit this site daily; it is pure muscle memory to click here first, and I appreciate what this place, and y’all bunch of oddballs, means to me.

arse, gas or grass, nobody rides for free. Although methinks DaveO might prefer something more PayPal-ish.

After the next Fundraiser it would be good if the new admin had some cushion going into 2021 and beyond, not be worrying about squeaking by financially year-to-year.

If DaveO and the site ever develops a sizeable carryover balance, eh, it could be spent it on a mass Canoe Tripper Gathering with feasts and fun and games. I’d suggest renting a Dunk Tank for the event. Saw this at my local hardware today:


$150 for 2 days? I’m in for at least $50 if I can select the dunkee. Dunkies, plural; I have a fair pitching arm, and some past history with dunk tanks.

I know if I were suspended on that seat, shouting abuse at DougD, the site would raise quick cash. Maybe even the pink slip for Doug’s car.

“Hey Doug, remember that boat you rebuilt backwards?”. Oops, missed. “You throw like a girl”. Oops, missed again. How about that time you erected your tent below the tide line?”. Nope, another miss. “How ‘bout that time you went under a 10” clearance bridge with a 14’ sail mast?” Whiff.

Get out another dollar there Dougie, I’m still loaded for bear. “That time you epoxied the butt contoured seat in the Rob Roy facing backwards?” Enraged WHIFF.

“The flood stage night you spent clinging to the upper branches of a skinny tree trying desperately to stay awake”. Oh Dougie dear, that was close, but no bulls eye splash cigar.

“The nightpaddle trip where you escaped carrying all of my beer?” Not cool dude, you must pay.

OK, I’m off on a riff, but a rental dunk tank at some gathering could be too much fun.
Doug, thank you for all your hard work over the years. This site is special!
Welcome, Dave. Big shoes to fill but I am sure you can do it! :)
Thanks to all for the welcomes and votes of confidence.

Mike, it is good to raise the subject of funding now. Doug is leaving us in good shape. I join the chorus of "Thanks Doug!"

I am thinking February/March for the fundraiser: Folks tend to be at home, looking forward to the upcoming canoeing season, the holidays are past, the days are getting a wee longer and the sun a bit stronger.

We should definitely do, as you suggest, a Canoe Tripper Gathering with feasts and fun and games! Once this bloody covid mess is solidly behind us all, let's put our heads together on that
Thank you Doug for all of your help. Best wishes to you.
Dave, thanks for continuing this site. Keep us informed how to help out.