I am a huge fan of day hammocks. Not Hennessy or Clark or etc tented, screen & rain fly bear burrito sleeping hammocks, but the little stuff-bag-the-size-of-a-soft-ball, goes up in seconds day use nylon hammocks.
I do love the comfort of a day use hammock. If navel gazing is Omphaloskepsis what is tooties gazing?
PA281464 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
I am prone to laze about on base camp days, and reading and relaxing. Studying the cloud formations and the sway of the tree tops in the wind are worthy, time consuming endeavors, best undertaken while prone.
I have passed along the laziness gene, and love of quiet reading time in the woods.
IMG007 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
I often hang a hammock under the tarp for wind, rain or blazing sun protection. I can leave the ropes (or more bark-kindly straps) connected to the trees, and can take down the hammock body in seconds to make under-tarp space.
Our CCS Tundra Tarp is ideal for that; perfect width for stringing a hammock beneath, easy to drop the tarp sides into a steep vee for wind or driven rain block, still bright and cheery underneath even in dreary weather.
IMG013 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
Note: That isn’t me comfy cheery bright and wind sheltered under the tarp. You gotta leave your book in the hammock to claim your dibs. One day hammock isn’t enough on family trips. So. . . .
IMG012 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
Not nearly enough. Looks closely; there are three hammocks in that photo.
The center hammock in that photo is an ENO DoubleNest. I guess if you want to get awkwardly jiggy with a loved one after the kids have gone to bed that double hammock has utility, but as a single person hammock it will close up high sided around you, reminiscent of bad sci-fi pod people cocooning your body. And those cocooning sides can be tricky to get out of if not strung correctly.
Where is my Life Alert bracelet? Help, I’ve laid in the hammock and can’t get out. Thanks, but no thanks.
The other two are ancient no-name “travel hammocks”, probably from Campmor. Smaller, lighter, more comfortable and less expensive. 20 years old and still going strong.
But, that is an incomplete day hammock complement on 4-person trips, so I’m thinking Daddy needs him a new place to lounge, and to leave his book as a placeholder.
I’m thinking the ENO SingleNest looks similar simple enough to our old Travel Hammocks, if a little larger packed, stuffed to 5x5x5 inches, and a little heavier at a 15oz. I’m worth it.
Folks who use day hammocks for lounging around camp, any make/model recommendations, suggestions or designs/features you find useful?
I do love the comfort of a day use hammock. If navel gazing is Omphaloskepsis what is tooties gazing?

I am prone to laze about on base camp days, and reading and relaxing. Studying the cloud formations and the sway of the tree tops in the wind are worthy, time consuming endeavors, best undertaken while prone.
I have passed along the laziness gene, and love of quiet reading time in the woods.

I often hang a hammock under the tarp for wind, rain or blazing sun protection. I can leave the ropes (or more bark-kindly straps) connected to the trees, and can take down the hammock body in seconds to make under-tarp space.
Our CCS Tundra Tarp is ideal for that; perfect width for stringing a hammock beneath, easy to drop the tarp sides into a steep vee for wind or driven rain block, still bright and cheery underneath even in dreary weather.

Note: That isn’t me comfy cheery bright and wind sheltered under the tarp. You gotta leave your book in the hammock to claim your dibs. One day hammock isn’t enough on family trips. So. . . .

Not nearly enough. Looks closely; there are three hammocks in that photo.
The center hammock in that photo is an ENO DoubleNest. I guess if you want to get awkwardly jiggy with a loved one after the kids have gone to bed that double hammock has utility, but as a single person hammock it will close up high sided around you, reminiscent of bad sci-fi pod people cocooning your body. And those cocooning sides can be tricky to get out of if not strung correctly.
Where is my Life Alert bracelet? Help, I’ve laid in the hammock and can’t get out. Thanks, but no thanks.
The other two are ancient no-name “travel hammocks”, probably from Campmor. Smaller, lighter, more comfortable and less expensive. 20 years old and still going strong.
But, that is an incomplete day hammock complement on 4-person trips, so I’m thinking Daddy needs him a new place to lounge, and to leave his book as a placeholder.
I’m thinking the ENO SingleNest looks similar simple enough to our old Travel Hammocks, if a little larger packed, stuffed to 5x5x5 inches, and a little heavier at a 15oz. I’m worth it.
Folks who use day hammocks for lounging around camp, any make/model recommendations, suggestions or designs/features you find useful?