So I finally built my fire box. Not in titanium yet, I started in steel just to try it out. I posted about it in the current diy tread from this winter, but tried it out cooking today so I decided to resurrect this thread. I’m just in the backyard and I used a cement block so I could see how hot it gets under the box after burning a while.
First I put some dirt in what is the void between the box bottoms.

Then assembled the box and got the fire started.

First the tea water was heated. I didn’t time anything, I was just having fun.

Once the tea was poured I made the bannock with raisins.

Then while eating my snack I just monitored the embers.
This thing is awesome. I love it. Just before the bannock was done I slid the box to the side and felt the concrete, it was just warm to the touch. As you can see the handle of the pot or pan can hang outside the box so it stays in place and doesn’t get hot.
As the wind shifted I was able to swivel the stove into the wind for a constant draft. I never had smoke in my face.
Eventually everything was burned to ash no charcoal left.
Two things still do. I need to put a 1/3”~1” baffle or side to the box in the front. I had an ember roll out and that would have stopped it. And I need to make a little fire poker that will nest in the box to be able to adjust the wood as it burns. Sticks much larger than would be used in a twig stove can go in this thing.
This will get a lot of use if only for the ambience of a wood fire just about anywhere. Next use might be down at the shore in front of our house to cook hotdogs.