I've recently decided to add to my gear and try a traditional method of cooking over fire. It seems the ultimate in simplicity, involving only 2 iron bars laid across rocks over embers to provide pot support. No grill. No stove. No fuss. No bother. Going even simpler often I'll just place my scorched pots directly on logs to save time and prep. Let the low flames lick the pots while I get on with other chores. But I'm adding to my kit and "cuisinal repertoire", exploring alternative ways to canoe, camp and cook.
A pair of irons may become part of a more traditional collection I'm assembling for some simpler travels.
Here is a photo from a Tim Gent blog. http://www.timgentoutdoors.com/

Does anyone else use fire irons?
A pair of irons may become part of a more traditional collection I'm assembling for some simpler travels.
Here is a photo from a Tim Gent blog. http://www.timgentoutdoors.com/

Does anyone else use fire irons?
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