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WinterCampingsymposium forum closed?

Oct 6, 2014
Reaction score
Long Island NY
As the title asks? seems like there isn't a forum to sign back on? I liked that site, especially after Wintertrekking stopped. I don't really want to go on Facebook but maybe that's cost effective these days. Anyone know?
As the title asks?

I personally don't know anything about that winter camping symposium and have no idea what happened to Wintertrekking.

I don't really want to go on Facebook

So don't. Winter campers and trekkers are welcome to post in, and try to build up interest in, this very forum. It has been grandfathered into this canoe site because lots of grandfathers here like to camp, trek, hunt, fish and otherwise frolic in frozen H2O.
I was hopeful that the new WCS site would take off, but it never did. Wintertrekking was a unique site, and I fear it will never be replicated. There are several winter camping sites on Facebook, but I just can't stomach them. Winter camping has become the new thing the cool kids do, and once that happens, there are way too many armchair experts pontificating and regurgitating inaccurate information that is then accepted as gospel by the hordes of internet newbies who then make their own youtube channel in their quest to become famous lumbersexual influencers.

I'd rather stick rusty nails in my eyes than read any of that crap on those facebook pages, same goes for the youtube videos.

So let's do what Glenn says, and make the subforum here the go to place for off season canoeists who like to frolic in the snow.
Is this what you're looking for? Not a forum, but there's a gathering planned for November. And I bet some of the folks who attend would fit right in here.

I clicked on there the other day and all I could find was information on the upcoming winter camping forum. Today I see that the icon for the site has changed. I haven't clicked on it yet but now I'm thinking I won't find anything. Too bad as the winter camping community has been adrift since Hoop left the "Wintertrekking" forum.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

PS - Just clicked on the new icon and up popped the info on their upcoming winter camping symposium. Not much to go on for the future but gives me hope they haven't given up the ghost. Maybe they're concentrating on marketing the symposium and, when it's over, they'll get back to hosting the forum. We can only hope.

Until next time...be well.

That’s funny Mem. A friend of mine uses that same phrase.

Clemency, I hope to attend that one year or somewhere closer here in the East coast but I was just looking for the old forum that Snapper mentioned.
I like Glen’s idea.
I was hopeful that the new WCS site would take off, but it never did. Wintertrekking was a unique site, and I fear it will never be replicated.

From my long-time experience as a discussion forum poster, my short-time experience as an administrator, and what I've now learned as a member of the Xenforo administrators discussion forum, the keys to a successful forum are quality threads provided by a strong core of active contributors; an involved administrative/moderation/technical staff both behind and in front of the scenes; and consistent SEO efforts to climb the Google and other search engine rankings, which rankings will attract new members.

I don't know anything about WCS or how strong it ever was, but Solotripping.com tanked when the owner (Harlan) abandoned it and Wintertrekking may have suffered the same fate with HOOP. In fact, I hope HOOP (Glen Hooper) is okay. He used to be an active poster here and made many great canoe tripping and and bushcrafting videos.
Clemency, I hope to attend that one year or somewhere closer here in the East coast but I was just looking for the old forum that Snapper mentioned.
I like Glen’s idea.
The one I posted is in Vermont. Just clarifying because it is an offshoot of one that used to meet somewhere in Canada and there might be some confusion.
Jim, I don't think anyone is trashing Hoop. Hoop is probably the guy most responsible for resurrecting winter camping, with the website Wintertrekking, and his many videos. I know Hoop personally, he's a great guy.

We are lamenting the fact that the wintertrekking site died and hasn't really been replaced by anything that resembles it in content or participation. Instead, there are a bunch of facebook pages with endless arguments about carbon monoxcide detectors in wood stove tents.

Personally, I think there are enough winter campers on this site to have a great subforum here at canoetripping.
Good to know !
Yes, I hate to see good sites go down !
I'm very appreciative for what Glenn has done here !

I’m interested in winter camping, even though Kathleen and I don’t go out into the bush anymore. We do, however, set up our 10 x 12 hot tent for the entire winter, right next to the house. Great place to go for a glass of wine, before supper, soaking up the blessed warmth!

Below is a picture of Shadow in the wall tent on one of our summer camping trip. Please note, mem, that the front flaps are tied wide open to prevent carbon dioxide poisoning from all the heavy breathers.


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Is this what you're looking for? Not a forum, but there's a gathering planned for November. And I bet some of the folks who attend would fit right in here.

Its been cancelled as Hulbert is a bit too cozy goven Covid is still with us
Thanks YC, I did remember a site that was in Vermont years ago but I always thought about it after Thanksgiving and would miss it.
I’m trying to squeeze in an early winter trip before having a total knee replacement AGAIN 😩. Got me a recall a few months ago. Yep, seems a few hundred thousand us us recipients have defective hardware. Just great. But good news is, our daughter is getting married tomorrow, other daughter just bought house in Denver and son getting married in Barcelona next May! So, I need to squeeze this fixing in while I can. Gotta give up something.
Maybe I can set up ST and have therapy outside. Hehe. Best to all
Coldfeet - Sorry to hear about your knee replacement. Having gone through that myself, I don't envy you going it through it again. My daughter, the lawyer, is wondering if there is a class action lawsuit brewing over this? Good luck in getting this cared for.

YC - Thanks for posting the cancellation. I'd been hoping to attend this session when it was up and running again but this year I had a conflict with the dates. At least now it no longer matters,

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.
