• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

What is an adventure?

Hey Art, that's excellent. These days, you could probably add, "were you carrying an emergency satellite communication device?¨
Not mine but something a friend shared with me a while back. I'm pretty sure he didn't write it.
What is adventure? I'm not sure how to define it precisely, but I know the feeling. It comes in all shapes, sizes, and places.
The clock has been ticking and the countdown nearly run its course, nearly nine months ago. Our youngest daughter is the only child of ours who along with her partner share the (gentle) adventurous spirit of canoe tripping with my wife and I. The other kids have moved on to other adventures of their choosing. That's fine. The tick tock I hear is that of an arrival of a grandson. I should be used to this but I'm not.
My youngest is still a young girl to me, not a strong young woman starting a family of her own. Daydreamer myopic me.
Just the other day I sat in their kitchen "making plans" with these impending parents.

" I guess I'd better get at it, we need to fix up an infant swing for the backyard."
"No Dad. First we need to plan a family canoe trip with our son. Next summer."
"Cripes! Are you crazy!? Our little man will be barely 6 months in May!"
"Dad, We're all set, we even have his infant PFD already. Relax. We'll be fine. Something easy but scenic. I'm looking forward to carrying him over some lovely portages. Not too long. Not too hard."
"Whoa girl! You're stressing me out and he hasn't even arrived yet!"
"Don't worry Pop, we'll plan a trip where we can bail at any time. Just for you."
"ha ha. Very funny. Why can't we just walk to the park; have a picnic. Lay on a blanket and look up at the clouds?"
"We'll do that and more Dad. Just you see."

I hate it when my kids sound more mature and balanced than me. And grounded, and calm. All I can hear is that clock. Tick. Tock.
I don't know. Maybe she's right. Why wait to strike out on new adventures, however small?
So now I'm busy planning with my son-in-law the nature and form of their/our first family canoe trip adventure, sometime next year.
And the idea is growing on me, and I'm actually getting calmer/excited with the notion I might share in an adventure...
of shooting stars in a brilliant diamond sky, a rich piney scent carrying us along a forest trail, and perhaps a warm snuggled nap on a sunny granite shore. Big adventures that never grow old, for a brand new small adventurer.
I'd love to share an adventure with another generation of canoe trippers in the family. However small. However gentle. However young.
Let a new adventure begin.

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Outside of my professional life (USCG, retired police), most of my adventures have been sailing. While I love a peaceful daysail, sometimes I want to stretch a little and sail on a blustery day. Just recently I had some doubts about my propeller shaft and decided to sail all the way in to the mooring. A little stressful, but rewarding. On one trip south, we had a series of small problems that added up. The wind was strong, a good sea running, we had a shaft leak and both pumps failed. As I was bailing with a bucket, I wondered if I had put us in danger, and planned what to do if one more thing went wrong. It didn't. When we reached a harbor around midnight, one of the crew said "It's not an adventure if there are no challenges". Words to live by. But I also keep alive by trying to minimize risk.
That is a Brendan Leonard flow chart. He does them often.
