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Wendel Beckwith documentary

Thank Mem

It's unwatchable on my screen. I use a 17" laptop which is, of course, a wide screen layout and the header on the page, which can't be deleted, takes up over half the screen. That kind of sticky header is more and more common and makes many sites pretty painful. In this case it covers better than half the video.

Best regards to all,

Thank Mem

It's unwatchable on my screen. I use a 17" laptop which is, of course, a wide screen layout and the header on the page, which can't be deleted, takes up over half the screen. That kind of sticky header is more and more common and makes many sites pretty painful. In this case it covers better than half the video.

Best regards to all,


Did you try making it full screen (the 4 arrows in the lower right next to "Vimeo")? That gets rid of the header on my computer.

Wow ! That was one of the best 1:36 + hrs I've spent in front of my computer !

Thanks Mem for the share !

This makes a trip there, even more interesting , if things ever open up again.

Truly a sad ending.!
Wow. A great story and lots of new information. After my trip to Wabakimi I tried, in vain, to find information about Beckwith's story. On the internet at least, there was very little besides the Nat Geo article and a couple short things in a newsletter. This documentary fills in quite a bit. He was quite an eccentric, even more than I previously thought. Even though he called his work "science", it seems to have been more of an artistic rendering of raw data. I'm curious how he came to his conclusions about the cosmos with such basic data. Or, on second thought, maybe not. He was obviously obsessive, and it's possible he saw things that nobody else can see. He reminds me of the John Nash character in the movie "A Beautiful Mind".

The thing that surprised me the most is that he was hardly a hermit. I think Rose said she spent the better part of ten years up there, and the Slipperjacks seem to have been regular summer visitors, and then the Outward Bound crowd. Harry Wirth is quite a guy, as a Canadian I was kind of bristling when he described how him and his football lawyer and Judo and karate experts were going to take on all comers to prove ownership of the island. What a clown, wonder how he would feel if I just squatted in his backyard and claimed ownership. He'd probably shoot me.

Lots of good info in that video though, sort of takes the mystery out things.