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Video: The Origin of Wenonah Canoe

Thanks for the video Glenn.

Met Mike in '83 or '84, can't remember exactly.

Fox river just out of Aurora, IL. I was up there on business, and just happened to find out about the event.
It was a Olympic qualifying event. It was the first time I had ever seen pure racing. Remember the coat hanger wire frames around their necks holding the bite valves and tubing for the hydration bladders that were laying behind them. True athletes, with an extreme level of fitness.

I was there as a spectator, and Mike and I visited riverside for quite a while. Interesting guy. Didn't know who he was until way into the visit.
He was there to get feed back about how his race boats were performing. I learned a lot in a short while just listening and playing sponge.

We ribbed each other about how funny each of us sounded to the other. His Minnesota and my Louisiana.

Nice guy.
Good video, very down to Earth and authentic.

Those guys are pretty lean! Probably why the tractor seats in my old Wenonah race boats fit my daughter better than me.