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Video about traditional wannigan use

I like the notch in the handle that keeps the lid from sliding sideways. The partially removable tump line is a real time saver. The code of arms is tres chic.

In the unlikely event of a capsize, an air bag would be helpful to counterbalance the heavy hardware.

Thanks for posting.
Back in the mid-1970s I joined the staff of an outdoor education course where the culminating activity was a 6 day canoe trip. At that time, other than the Grumman canoes, everything was traditional; including real Duluth packs. I'm not sure how it happened but I ended up becoming the instructor for how to set up a wannigan with a tump line in what we called "Campcraft." Long story short, there were a lot of horrified gasps when students first saw the wannigan but eventually, when the finallly learned how to tie the tump, it all became clearer to them. While I won't say they all "loved" using one, they certainly understood the value of the system.

Funny thing; now, many years later I still use a tump line when tying my bedroll for living history programs. It's amazing to me how that skill of tying it never left me. So happy to have been able to retain that bit of knowledge.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Interesting coincidence, thanks for posting the video Robin. Just the other night i was thumbing through my copy of Beyond the Paddle, by Garrett Conover and read through the section on portaging using a Tump line and wannigans and it sparked my interest once again. After watching the video I intend to try the tump, but think I'm cured of the urge to experiment with a wannigan, at least for a portage style trip. A river trip? Sure, but I've already got a 5 gallon wannigan with a screw top lid. Hah!

Thank you again Robin for your kind words and for sharing here. Always interesting to read the comments from all of you.

Interesting video. How waterproof is a wannigan in the rain or capsize? Or doesn't waterproofness matter that much if the contents are all hardware or sealed in small containers?
@Glenn MacGrady The wannigan is weatherproof as the lid cover entirely the box and it float very well. We did experience a small leakage in a capsize but everything that need protection was sealed in waterproof container. Of course the opening between the box and the lid is not sealed. A way to increase waterproofness would be to line the wannigan with a waterproof liner like we do for our Frost River bags.

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