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Uncle Barney’s mid afternoon break

Jan 7, 2016
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Homemade Gingersnap cookies (they hold their shape in a pack pretty good).
Layer of peanut butter (your brand/your choice chunky or creamy) on the cookie.
1/2 Milk chocolate bar squished in peanut butter.
Mug of hot black tea, sweetened with Tang.

I have lots of memories of this pick-me-up after a long tough portage or under a sheltering big spruce on a cold spring or fall day with rain, sleet and snow mix being driven on a stiff wind.
In winter hot black tea with Tang, King Salmon strips if you are lucky enough to live where they can be obtained and Gingersnap cookies plain (peanut butter and chocolate would be frozen to hard to I be easily chewed).
I've never heard of such weird flavour combinations, but they're crazy enough they might just work.
They are going on my try it list.
I prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate, but otherwise the cookie concoction sounds tasty. Tang in tea? Hmmm . . . maybe.
I learned sweetening hot tea with Tang from Joe Redington Sr. The grandfather of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, one cold stormy day in the Norton Sound village of Unalakleet, Alaska.
The four cookies, peanut butter and two chocolate bars were all that was left to eat in our packs, one late September canoe trip, with five lakes and one short portage to the takeout.

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