• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Sunrise on the Turtle



~This photo was taken at the Turtle Flowage in northern Wi. using a simple Sony point and shoot ~

Very nice photo Beaver, I enjoy looking at the trees against the sky. Each kind of tree having it's own particular shape. That's just about one of the few positive things I can think of about winter; you can really see the shape of the trees. I like to think about the idea that the same shape would have been presented in any age going back in time as far as you like.

I also enjoyed that picture Beaver, Thanks, Looking forward to open water and warmer weather.
Sorry... point and shoot Canon. I could fix it in Photoshop or in other software, but I usually keep the original untouched. I think I have another copy of this shot which came out better but I'm not sure where it is.