• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

​RIP JSaults



I am deeply saddened to post that JSaults (Jim Saulters) passed away earlier this week.

Those of you who had the pleasure to spend time with Jim knew him as a gentleman and a gentle man. In years of paddling and camping with Jim I do not recall him ever saying an unkind word about anyone.

His kindness, generosity and inventiveness will be missed. Another great spirit has paddled on.
I'm sorry to hear that. Never met him but enjoyed his posts.

This is quite a shock. Last week I think he had a dental procedure and more recently a birthday
You juat never know
Shocked and saddened by this news. One of the very first paddling acquaintances I made via these internet forums. Jim could quickly become the anchor of any campfire circle. He knew the value of detail in telling a story. "Oh, and that reminds me", he'd say, each story relevant to the topic at hand and culminating with a raucous guffaw.
Shocking. He was very actively posting here as of eight days ago about his alcohol stove, paddles, and the new sheath for the Benchmade Bushcrafter knife we both had purchased this year. That activity suggests this might have been a sudden thing. Let us know if you have any more details you can share, Mike.

Prayers for Jim and his family and friends.
Jim could quickly become the anchor of any campfire circle. He knew the value of detail in telling a story. "Oh, and that reminds me", he'd say, each story relevant to the topic at hand and culminating with a raucous guffaw.

The man could tell a tale, and carry a tune, and he had a mighty fine laugh. There was a lot of laughter sharing a campfire with Jim, and I will always remember him that way.

In fact the last time I saw him was on a paddle in trip, sitting around a campfire with friends Conk, Nightswimmer and Laurie, sipping Blantons and memorializing our departed friend Norb. I was looking forward to having him down to the shop this spring to put new gunwales on his customized Magic.

I am headed south for a few weeks and will be largely incommunicado. If I find a wi-fi spot and get word of where to send condolences I will try to post.
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Wow, that is hard to believe. I enjoyed reading his posts ... I will miss him. My goodness this seems so sudden.

Wow - how sad and unexpected. Had recent communication with Jim about the Magic in general. Don't know him well but he sure seemed like one of the truly good guys.

Condolences to his family and friends.
My deepest sympathy and condolences to Jim's family and all his friends. I enjoyed the warmth he conveyed in his posts.
His easy going humour had me looking for his name every morning when I'd check in to this site.
I am sorry to hear of the passing of Jim. I am lucky to have met him down at Raystown, and as others have pointed out, he could definitely carry a campfire story circle. A great guy who lived a good life.

I just saw this thread, and I'm very sorry to hear this news. I never met Jim, but I enjoyed his writing on this forum. He was also very helpful. I'm pretty sure one of his last posts on this forum was to give me some useful fire-lighting advice. Thank you, Jim.
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I am sorry to hear of the passing of Jim. I am lucky to have met him down at Raystown, and as others have pointed out, he could definitely carry a campfire story circle. A great guy who lived a good life.

A memorial for Jim was held last Saturday at Wilderness Voyageurs in Ohiopyle PA, where Jim had worked as a guide years ago. Folks from Jim’s various recreating passions, hiking, caving, skiing, paddling and biking, gathered to share stories.

The best of the stories was one told by a survivor of a young-and-stupid hike on Mt Washington. I cannot do his telling of the tale justice, but picture three guys in their early 20’s, atop Mt Washington in a blinding blizzard with near zero visibility, one of them expressing an interest to just lay down (die).

Jim was a map fanatic; I have some treasured ones he made for me. He had committed the topography of the mountain top to memory and managed to lead them, quite blindly, to the weather station door.

When they beat on the door the two guys stationed there greeted them not with “Hello”, but with a head count “One, two, three….”, followed by announcing the likelihood of another presumably lost party with “I guess we’ll find the other two next spring”.

They spent the night in the weather station bunk house and hiked back down the next morning.

Jim could tell a tale, often with wide-flung tangents, but I never heard that story from him. I guess he was too much the hero of that tale.

Other memorable memorial touches. One of Jim’s dearest friends related that Jim would always scold her for taking a stone or rock from some place they had visited. She brought a basket of flinches stones. The group walked to a river and rail trail intersection and built a cairn so that his many absent paddling and biking friends could stop by for a visit when passing through.

Another. Those who desired took home a gift bag of Jim. Some of his ashes were distributed into 2oz jars, each to be spread by friends in some place they had shared during Jim’s travels.

I will be there for a few subsequent memorials. Jim will be making an appearance at Raystown and on Assateague.
i hope its an amazing vista at the far end of that portage...sympathy and condolences
So sorry to hear this. I was hoping to meet up again this summer on wood rum lake here in WV
I was going through some registrations this morning and came across Jim" response to me when he signed up.
He seemed like a very nice man.

  • Robin Lauer​

What is this "canoe" you speak of?

Been a bad boy this season - zero days on the water. Been riding a tadpole trike to lose weight and get back in condition. And everytime McCrea offered a trip I was alteady comitted to something. Sigh. But I will re-rail the Magic and be ready for next season.

On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 10:12 AM, Robin Lauer <rdlauer_00@yahoo.com> wrote:
Normally I send a few questions to new members to confirm they are real and interested in canoes and not spammers before they can post. I sent one to Canoedog this morning before I realized he was Sid from CCR's, gettin' old here I guess.....
Well, I recognize your user name from the net, have enjoyed reading your posts for a long time and just wanted to say "Welcome", it's great to have seasoned trippers join up.
Canoetripping Administrator
