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New Member from Sunny California!

Jul 12, 2015
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Northern California
Hi, my name is Lewis. I live in northern California. I have a Grumman 17 double end canoe. I've had it for nearly 30 years. I found this forum while looking for ideas for fitting a sail rig to my boat. While I believe that paddling a boat builds character, I am now in that age group where I also believe letting the wind do some of the work now and then is a good thing too! ;)
You just had to rub it in didn't you, and call it "sunny" California? Just kidding Lewis. Hi, and welcome. Although I've never sailed (in any craft), I find it fascinating. I do hope you share your canoe-sail future with us. I wish you favourable winds and sunny sailing.
Welcome Lewis, my wife and I bought a 17' Grumman back in 71, our first big purchase together.
I got it from Grumman Aerospace in Bethpage (iirc), LI, sort of right from the factory. The canoe is in a barn in Ontario, Canada, but I still have the wife.:)
Fiery CA... it seems while we in the East mold up.
My first canoe was a Grumman; a wedding present. I still have access to it. a friend in Connecticut has it and also has started gathering wooden canoes. Robin has many. I have four.

Now you may see a trend...beware.

I still have my husband 46 years later. One.

If I dare bid on that Robertson tomorrow, it could become 0.
Welcome Lewis. I would recommend Todd Bradshaw's book Canoe Rig the Art and the Essence, I believe is the title. It should work you through most everything you need to set up a sailing canoe. Also, Gary Dierking has a book on outrigger sailing canoes if that's the direction you want to go.