• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

Jack Hurley Interview with Jenny Cressman on Muskoka Unlimited

Thanks for posting this, Al. I really enjoyed it. Mr. Hurley discusses some of the places I've paddled throughout the years, and the builders whose boats are such an inspiration. My brother recently had Albert Maw, 80+ years-old, a builder mentioned by Mr. Hurley, repair his 15-foot Northland canoe. Mr. Hurley's ice-out trip on the Nipissing, the one he chose as the most memorable trip he ever took with his wife, is a spring trip that I've done several times and that I tend to re-visit in my head when circumstances are such that getting there is not an option. As much as I'd love to paddle w/c on the Nip, I haven't done so because of the number and length of the carries. BTW, Al, glad to see you're still posting here and on the tele site. Take care,
Thanks for the heads up Al, I enjoyed that interview. Good to hear that there are so many young builders in the area around Algonquin.
Ontario/Southern Quebec has quite a few builders, many who promote and encourage the use of wood canvas canoes for recreational canoe tripping. As a wood canvas canoe owner who enjoys tripping with them, I find the support from these talented folks refreshing.