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Drysuit Recommendations & Seasonal Sale

Apr 17, 2023
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Nantucket, USA
I've done a lot of paddling in wetsuits and I'd like to not do that anymore! :LOL:

Having resolved to take the plunge (pun intended) and get a drysuit, I imagine that I'll be able to take advantage of seasonal sales as the winter ends and be ready for next year. Any insight and advice as to suits suited for canoeists and as to where I might find the best deal? Thanks!
NRS always has a good sale on dry suits on Black Friday, the biggest discounts for their own brand, smaller for the the other brand(s) they carry (mostly Kokatat).

I have owned two NRS TriTon™ suits that have held up fairly well,

Prices for dry suits have risen dramatically in the past 5 years especially Gore-Tex suits. The best deals are usually late Fall, you may not find many deals until then. If you are not in a rush you should monitor the used market, people buy suits and then rarely use them or you might find one that needs new gaskets or maybe a few pinholes (both easily repaired).

Kokatat is the number one brand but there is now quite a bit of choice out there plus you want to decide if you want a relief zip, integrated booties (fabric or latex), metal or plastic zips. An exterior pocket or integrated belt are nice features.

A lot depends on the amount and type of use when deciding to go with a mid-price suit or a top of the line model, suits don't last forever and eventually will leak (repairable to an extent) and/or require gasket replacement.

Although I bought both my suits without being able to try them on you should definitely try to check the fit if possible. My first suit was too big, there was a lots of rubbing which eventually led to premature leakage.
I bought a full Kokatat suit (minus the hood) from EMS I'm guessing around 2010 ($750) Fast forward to about 2018 I believe the neck gasket was split a bit. I sent it to them to have fixed and offered to pay the cost. They responded back that it couldn't be fixed because the inside of the drysuit was delaminating. I was bummed out. So they asked me what color did I want for the new one they were replacing mine with under the warranty. My avatar picture shows the original red one. I chose yellow this time. With my experience I was very very happy with that company. But it's hot wearing it many times so there is the trade off. I too did not like my farmer john wetsuit.
I purchased my first dry suit a short time back but was not able to push my trips further into shoulder season as planned. My 2 experiences were perfectly fine - not too hot or cold.

Question on a "rashguard". Is this something I should purchase due to it being a specifically desired item, or is it a way to charge me a ton of dough when any of my other polypro tops will work. Not against getting it, just curious what you folks think.

Thank you.