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An old neighbors ax

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
My neighbor gave me this old ax head she found on her farm, so I wire brushed it and hung it on an old handle I had. I doubt if she will accept it, but I'm going to offer it to her as a display piece. It's a 4 lb head, 8" by 5", I'm guessing it's an really old one, the farm has a long history.20230410_155212.jpg20230429_165146.jpg
Somewhere around here I have a hatchet that appears to be hand forged. I bought it cheap at a yard sale.
Interesting how the steel with the harder temper has the least pitting.
It could be that this axe head has two different types of metal. The working edge would be a higher carbon steel that could be hardened and tempered. The body of the head could be a lower carbon steel, or even wrought iron. The two types of metal would be forge welded together.


Is this thread, "An Old Neighbor's Axe" about an old axe belonging to a neighbor. Or an axe belonging to an old neighbor?
Hey Black fly, thanks for posting that great video! His handle carving technique has lots of similarity to carving a paddle from one board; the centerline reference, etc.
"It could be that this axe head has two different types of metal. The working edge would be a higher carbon steel that could be hardened and tempered. The body of the head could be a lower carbon steel, or even wrought iron. The two types of metal would be forge welded together."

I think you are right.

"Is this thread, "An Old Neighbor's Axe" about an old axe belonging to a neighbor. Or an axe belonging to an old neighbor?"

Both, she's old, the axe is old, so am I. :)
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