• Happy Birthday, Michelangelo (1475-1564)! 🎨🖌️⛪👇

Cast Your Vote for Blade Finish in Knife Build FUNdraiser

Pay no attention to that Mirrorquay guy...satin is where its at.
Mirror. Satin is no good... Mirror is so beautiful... And you can see behind you, so it could save your life one day!!
So Mirror it is!
Wow, only ten votes and a dead heat thus far. Mem could actually win the Stubborn b*st*rd with only ten entries in the raffle.
I haven't voted here yet. Waiting for memequay to up his bribe offer. One case of Klik is a pretty good opening ante, but I'm sure he can do better.
I figure if the maker is willing to go with a mirror finish, which hides no imperfections, then we should let him show off his craftsmanship.

That and I hate to see a grown man (Memaquay) cry.

In the spirit of the season, I give you that well known Christmas Song - O Possehl Kinfe!

O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Thy blades are so unchanging;
O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Thy blades are so unchanging;
Not only sharp when summer’s here,
But also when ‘tis cold and drear.
O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Thy blades are so unchanging!

O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Much pleasure thou can’st give me;
O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Much pleasure thou can’st give me;
How often has a Possehl knife
Brought to one the greatest glee!
O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Much pleasure thou can’st give me.

O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Thy blade shines so brightly!
O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Thy blade shines so brightly!
From butt to tip, straight and bright,
Tis only splendor to my sight.
O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Thy blades shine so brightly!

O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
How richly Dave has finished thee!
O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
How richly Dave has finished thee!
Thou to us true and faithful be
We trust in Dave unchangingly.
O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
How SATINEY Dave has finished thee!!
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Hmmm I was under the impression satin was already the winner. To be clear, it does not matter how many times we have to vote satin remains my choice.
That's a beautiful carol BWCA. It's really really good, better than the original! Do you think the SATINY part was too subtle?
In the spirit of the season, I give you that well known Christmas Song - O Possehl Kinfe!

O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Thy blade shines so brightly!
O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Thy blade shines so brightly!
From butt to tip, straight and bright,
Tis only splendor to my sight.
O Possehl Knife! O Possehl Knife!
Thy blades shine so brightly!

Yeah! Another vote for mirror finish.
