• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

Won't be long now

Jun 12, 2012
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Appleton, Maine
I found this on Jack Mountain Bushcraft School website. I follow JMB blog and they always have some nice outdoor pictures and interest posts.

The first poling races are postponed here. Was supposed to be last weekend but while some of the river. I forget which one in central Maine was open in one area but iced in another. Be safe
Ice? Still?

This was two days ago here...

I think we had a frost one night about a week ago. :p
I scouted the Sheepscot on Sunday...yes, lots and lots of ice : (
As soon as my bad soar throat goes away, I will go pole on a shallow section of the Yukon river here in town, it will be a great place to practice!!
Nice boat Steve, would love to try one of John's longer boats one day!! I solo ww canoe is a Shacho, great canoe!!
Ice? Still?

This was two days ago here...

I think we had a frost one night about a week ago. :p

It was below zero a day ago. Ice won't be out in southern Maine for three weeks except shallow ponds and running water. I like to visit Lobster Lake in northern ME in May. Ice out is May10 or so. Probably not till Memorial Day this year
Chesuncook Lake House has a nice webcam to watch the progress or not of spring
As soon as my bad soar throat goes away, I will go pole on a shallow section of the Yukon river here in town, it will be a great place to practice!!
Nice boat Steve, would love to try one of John's longer boats one day!! I solo ww canoe is a Shacho, great canoe!!

Thanks, Red. I keep seeing those new Shachos Kaz posts photos of on FB and thinking I really ought to have one. Maybe someday....

BTW - without seats, that Coho tips the scales at just over 40 lbs (not including float bags). Sure makes it easy to get out and pole!
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April fools day.. No joke. Its six. F.ice continues to set. Its also opening day of trout season. Think I will find some running water and watch the boys in their beach chairs and beer sitting in the snow.
-13C windchill at the moment and we had a snowstorm blow through today with whiteouts where I could see a hundred feet in front of me. Last week we had 6" of snow drop on the wednesday that was gone before the end of the week. Some rivers opening but we could still see snow into May so it shall be a wee bit longer here.
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Went for an annual family hike yesterday. Young and old, fast walkers and slow pokes; we all had much to talk about, laugh about. I kept one eye on the water to see if I'd be paddling soon. The ice is well on it's way to breaking up and moving downstream. I think I'll wait til things warm up just a little more before venturing out.


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Algonquin Park is reporting the thickest ice cover they've ever recorded for the beginning of April, since they started keeping track in the mid-1960's. The next five nights will get down to between -6 & -11˚C, with daytime highs maxing out at 3˚C at best. I was hoping to get up to Temagami by May 1st, but now it looks like I'll be lucky to have open water by the 10th.
The annual Natchaug River Poling Clinic was supposed to be this past Saturday. Thursday, an e-mail went out from the coordinator cancelling it due to high water, ice shelves, and an icy road down to the parking lot. Then we got even more rain, a warm day, and a lot of ice melt, so seven fools decided to go anyways and catch Bigelow Brook, which is rarely boatable (it flows into the Natchaug). It was a nice day, mostly sunny, upper 40's, the banks were covered in snow, and it was windy as a b*st*rd. We had a grand time. It was mostly a whitewater run at that level, but most of us did most of it standing up anyways. Four of the seven had out-of-boat experiences, and some gear was lost (carbon fiber paddle, a pole, a piece of a cooper, a couple hats), but we enjoyed every minute of being out on the water. A failed eddy maneuver bent my pole and sent me in...so I made the eddy I was going for, just not how I planned it, lol! A couple well-placed trees allowed me to straighten out the pole (sorta). Good times.
