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Three old fellas go fishing

Feb 1, 2013
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Geraldton, Ontario
My buddy Rob was telling me about this lake that had the same name as my middle name. Now not many people know my middle name, but it is so odious that when my son was born, I didn
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Awesome. That looks like a smack ton of fun. Especially the part about the machine hauling your load. (So people really DO ice fish?) Now I'm going to have to go re-read Jim Harrison's essay on the subject: "Ice Fishing: The Moronic Sport."
My buddy Rob was telling me about this lake that had the same name as my middle name. Now not many people know my middle name, but it is so odious that when my son was born, I didn’t give him a middle name, thinking it would be better off if he picked his own.

The mind wanders.

Festus? Beauregard? It’s Muriel, isn’t it?

Nice photos.
I added the best photo just now, the night time UFO kind of snowtrekker thing. You know, I'll bet my middle name is something that a guy like Odyssey would remember. I can tell you it ain't Sue. Ice fishing is a kind of torture, or an excuse for drinking, but when the fish are biting, it is actually better than a kick in the arse with a frozen gum boot.

By the way Mike, thanks for that star chart thing. I was going to use it last night, but clouds rolled in. Also, I had one of those hippy beers yesterday and actually liked it. Can't remember what it was, it's the same as the one my buddy Dan is drinking in the first picture.
I've spent the last 10 minutes looking at a map of lakes around Geraldton chuckling to myself and wondering which is your middle name. At least give us a hint and tell us which direction you traveled from town.

Barbara is too big to be an unknown lake. Margaret has possibility but it looks like a road leads to it. How about Dickie?

Uh....Grenville? Unless it means something it Canada that's a bit anti-climactic.

I reject your reality and substitute my own in its place. You'll always be Little Dickie Haslam to me.

Ha ha, well Dickie certainly would have been bad. There were six Roberts in my grade six class. The teacher said she was going to call some of us by our second names. When she got to me, she said "you're going to be called Robert".
Fun snow day!! Great to see the tents all lit up. (In more ways than one, I'm sure.)
memequay, in order to stay on your Tundra and get it to behave you're gonna have to become a Skidoo whisperer. Try it.
Yeah, I remember memequay's middle name, he told me. But there's no way I'd ever divulge such a painful and personal thing as a weird middle name. Because I have one too. I just hope to heck I wasn't as drunk as he was when he told me his, and managed to keep my own a secret.
Love the nighttime photo of your tents. What a great sight! Thanks for sharing.

Until next time...be well.


PS - The next time Robin needs some funds for the site we should have a raffle on who gets to learn Mem's middle name! What do you think? Supposedly Carly Simon did a fund raiser like that and the winner learned about who she was singing about in her song , "You're So Vain." Of course the winner was also sworn to secrecy to never reveal the name; which so far seems to have held.
Those are some nice old Tundras you guys. I had not used a sled for ages until xmas 2015...I was the only mechanic at work during boxing week and I had to fix one for the range control guys...the test drive was a hoot. You are inspiring me to seek one out now. This whole winter camping / hiking thing is catching my attention. I have even found someone that is willing to go with me. Go figure.

You fellas look pretty well kitted out.I would have to do a lot of prep work in the fall for something like that. I dont think I know of any Annette lakes out here though, and I dont want to change my middle name to Obukowin just yet.

PS - The next time Robin needs some funds for the site we should have a raffle on who gets to learn Mem's middle name! What do you think? Supposedly Carly Simon did a fund raiser like that and the winner learned about who she was singing about in her song , "You're So Vain." Of course the winner was also sworn to secrecy to never reveal the name; which so far seems to have held.

I think the raffle loser should have to adopt the memequay middle name as their new shame avatar for a year. And every time they post something, they have to start with "Hi. My name is ------ and I am sorry." Those donating more than fifteen bucks are exempt. Maybe they get a t-shirt, I dunno. If you knew his middle name you'd be wanting on the t-shirt team trust me. I might be on to something here.
Well from the way Mem and Brad are talking I'm guessing the coordinates to Grenville Lake were just a hint to get us in the right area. So I went back to the map for a little more snooping and.....no way.....it couldn't be.......no one would give their kid that middle name.......would they?

Ok, I gotta clear something up. If you look on the map, you will see a bunch of lakes named after the Dionne Quintuplets. Born in 1934 in Callander On, they were the first Quintuplets to survive childbirth. They were a national sensation, so much so, that some land survey guy located in Geraldton named the lakes. So if you look closely, you'll see a lake called Dionne, a lake called Quintuplet, then Yvonne, Annette, Cecile, Emilie and Marie, the five girls.

Alas, none of them are my middle name.
You mean your parents didn't name you after their favorite French author? Because that lake name was the best yet. I don't see anything nearly as embarrassing around your quintuplets as my favorite lakes in the area that would make you Little Dickie Dumas.
