• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

Into the wild, for good...

Apr 29, 2015
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I am a 50 year old man with a lot of life experience and skills and a major case of wanderlust. Seeking a female partner for a lifetime of canoe tripping. Other than visiting family now and then, I don't plan on coming back. Currently on the water and only have intermittent internet access, so if you reply, it might take a while for me to respond.

Wishing all canoe trippers a great season!

Good luck. Check in when you are 75 and let us know if you are staying true to your life plan. When an eldery inuit man or women came to the realization that he/she was a burden on others he/she would "take the walk." They would walk alone out on the tundra and then stop and sit by a rock or a tree and wait for death to come. Given the life they led I suspect it was rare that they would reach 60. They did not live alone - they knew they would not last long living alone. Also, they were very social and family oriented folks. Maybe if you are lucky you will have a good 10-15 years. Make the best of them.
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The best place to find a woman to share your life in the bush, is out in the bush, not on the internet.

Most of the people that are serious about a life in the wild full-time are already out there. I do not mean to be disrespectful, it is the reality of the internet and the fact that it creates fantasies in people.