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Poll: How much sex have you had in a canoe?

Poll: How much sex have you had in a canoe?

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Glenn MacGrady

Staff member
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
I sex were baseball, what's the biggest hit you ever got? First base is a kiss. You know what a home run is. I leave second and third base to personal interpretation. War stories are welcome, assuming this thread doesn't incur moderatus interruptus. Personally, I never played the game.
I had Budweiser once, does that count?

yeah, according to the old joke for those of us who like good strong beer, making love in a canoe and Bud or most any Americanized beer, both are F....ing close to water.
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yeah, according to the old joke for those of us who like good strong beer, making love in a canoe and Bud or most any Americanized beer, both are F....ing close to water.

If you are referring to mass-produced swill beer I would agree and there's plenty on both sides of the border. I live in the Pioneer Valley of Western Mass which is Craftbeer heaven. I don't see how the area supports so many great breweries.
I did have one Bud this century, an old Canadian Logger called me over and handed me one. The conversation was well worth it.
Getting very far with this would be purely aspirational as someone would have to climb over the gear and I'm not as flexible as I once was. And we're a decade or more past the "anytime, anywhere" kind of stuff.

Horses, a cliff ledge during a climb, department store changing room and snowmobiles; yup....canoes; no.....

Great article about courting canoes here.

At the end of there are statistics about the percentage of Canadians who admit to having had sex in a canoe. Suffice it to say our Canadian friends are not bringing up the rear in that department! Or should I say, they ARE bringing up the rear in that department?
It's an Icthy, Sticky, Dangerous Game

Well, I'd like to say here that I've "played that game,"
but those diamonds-in-the-rough of S-glass can abrade,
when as you're roundin' first and she's screamin' "Just a second,"
unplanned shortstop throws you out from the next bag that had beckoned.

So you struggle for re-entry (your base path never touchin' third)
when suddenly a muskellunge that thinks you've flashed at it the bird
takes the bait, so-to-speak, you're screamin' "Fish-count ain't no fun!"
as you piddle-paddle back towards home it's more a limp than it's a run.
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I fell out of a canoe once and shouted some four letter words that are considered a crude description of sex. That's about it.
"A cheeky 2013 poll conducted by Playtex and Environics revealed nearly one in 10 of us had committed some manner of sex in a canoe."

"Geraldo Rivera claimed to have had relations with Margaret Trudeau in a boat of some sort in New York’s Central Park, a tale Trudeau denied."
