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You know its been too long since your last canoe trip when..

Sep 2, 2011
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Raymond, ME
you get stung by a bunch of hornets who like your stored canoe as much as you do..

Now waiting for possible reaction while I pack...

Now I need to go check both canoes. Thanks for the heads up.
.....when the dust on your canoe packs is as thick as the dust on your snowblower.

Good one! However my snowblower is a PITA to start. My packs all say "Lets Go!".
The hornets are dead the nest is flat and crunched and the boat on the car and I am fine!

Now I am going to Beavertails territory but in a non traditonal canoe. You know, these composites are fixable. Yellowcanoe has lots of patches. But Chestnuts and other wood canvas canoes are restorable. You can paddle a hundred year old beauty that looks and feels and paddles brand new.

But when is it the craft and when is it the journey? I am torn. Day paddling for me its about the craft. However I would have had a blast on the Yukon River in a roped together raft. That one was about the journey.
You know it has been too long when all the leftover stuff in the bottom of you blue barrel is past its' "use by date".

Hi Peter...hope you get to go to the Ozark Rendezvous. Its really fun with wonderful paddling folk but I warn you. If you participate in the potluck, bbq is good. Couscous salad is bad.
You know it has been too long when all the leftover stuff in the bottom of you blue barrel is past its' "use by date".


Welcome to our site Peter! If it isn't moldy you can still eat it. It may kill you, but you can eat it.
It was in anticipation of the Ozark trip that I looked in the bottom of the blue barrel. Gonna have to pay a visit to the food aisle at REI. I'm looking forward to the Ozarks and happy to have found a new paddling site with old friends.

It was in anticipation of the Ozark trip that I looked in the bottom of the blue barrel. Gonna have to pay a visit to the food aisle at REI. I'm looking forward to the Ozarks and happy to have found a new paddling site with old friends.


Pulltite is 24 miles from Salem and the nearest grocery store granted. But I think you will find few there will be eating freeze dried. Of course if you are doing your own trip after you might need to visit the edible chemical aisle at REI (sorry I could not resist!) The Super WalMart in Salem is indeed super. Not like the dinky WM we have in the Northeast. Not that I am a fan of WalMart but on trips to get to canoeing I inevitably find my self in one or four or five like before the last Florida Freestyle event.
Yes, I'm going to have to shop local. Particularly if I am to participate in a potluck supper.

I do hope the water at the campsite is not turned off before we leave. That will send me to the bottom of my barrel for freeze-dried.

I did once work with an old curmudgeon (now I am one) who claimed that he lived as long as he did thanks to the preservatives in his food.

Water filter works on the Current. A gravity filter would be awesome. Remember WM also sells bottled water. I cant believe I said that...I don't generally believe in bottled water ( I live on the same aquifer as Poland Spring and think they are stealing my water for profit )but did buy some for the Green River due to the high silt level there. The Current runs clear.
Thanks for the reminder. The living room floor is spread with stuff, but the water filter was not yet there.
