When I was researching alternatives to our disastrously buggy vBulletin platform last August, one of the resources I used was a forum for webmasters called digitalpoint.com, especially its market share graphs for discussion forum software platforms:
The following graph shows the market share trends from late 2013 to today for commercial (i.e., not free) discussion forum software platforms. You can see that vBulletin's market share has dropped from 75.3% in 2013 to 14.8% today, while Xenforo now controls a 51.6% market share of the five platforms studied.

This is further evidence that our platform migration was a good decision, aside from the practical evidence we now have every day of the vastly improved current experience compared to life under vBulletin six to twelve months ago.

Cookie Search Engine
Search engine letting you spider, search for or explore cookie usage around the web.

The following graph shows the market share trends from late 2013 to today for commercial (i.e., not free) discussion forum software platforms. You can see that vBulletin's market share has dropped from 75.3% in 2013 to 14.8% today, while Xenforo now controls a 51.6% market share of the five platforms studied.

This is further evidence that our platform migration was a good decision, aside from the practical evidence we now have every day of the vastly improved current experience compared to life under vBulletin six to twelve months ago.