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Would some type of a canoeing event work at a nudist campground?

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Jun 9, 2024
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My husband and I own a seasonal nudist campground in the Midwest, and we are always looking for interesting events to host over the summer.
We have a small semiprivate lake next to our campground and many of our residents use it for canoeing.
We are wondering if having a canoe race / show / event would be something that would work.
We have already hosted car, motorcycle and etc. events and they have all gone over well.
Let us know your thoughts or ideas and maybe the best was to organize an event like this.
Thanks so much for reading and hope to hear from you. 19 (3).jpg
I don't know how your liability insurance works, but I'm assuming to protect your interests, everyone would have to wear lifejackets, which might negate the concept of nude canoeing.
Welcome to the site. Personally, I'm far more interested in a solo wilderness trip where nobody can see me if I choose to get nekked and I can safely say that nobody wants to see that any way.

It might make for an interesting trip report, however, and I do enjoy reports of places I'll never personally visit... I wonder if the profanity filters would automatically edit the photos?
I don't know how your liability insurance works, but I'm assuming to protect your interests, everyone would have to wear lifejackets, which might negate the concept of nude canoeing.
Yes, that is something to check into.
The state here requires that they need to only be in the boat, but the insurance might have other issues.
with all the other events the participants all have to sign a release, however we all know, if something happens the lawyers will be suing everyone who has a penny.
We have opened all of the other events up to the general public as well and they have been very well attended.
Our campground and the events are "family friendly" so everything is closely monitored.
The evening awards dinners are closed to the public and 18 and over, so those get a little wild.
Welcome to the site. Personally, I'm far more interested in a solo wilderness trip where nobody can see me if I choose to get nekked and I can safely say that nobody wants to see that any way.

It might make for an interesting trip report, however, and I do enjoy reports of places I'll never personally visit... I wonder if the profanity filters would automatically edit the photos?
The interesting thing about us nudists is that no cares what anyone looks like, and we are a pretty laid back and fun bunch.
Just remember, it is only weird the first 5 minutes after you get naked, LOL
We would love to have you attend and report on the event.
As I said above, we try to make them a 2 day (weekend) event because we have plenty of open green area for primitive camping.
Most of us are pretty relaxed with picture takers however it is always nice if you ask first.
Thanks for the reply Gamma
I just wanted to add that all of our 50 seasonal campsites are full, and we have a waiting list, so we are not trying to sell or rent anything here on the forum, just looking for ideas.
We will admit though that the reason for hosting these event sis to introduce many people to the nudist community in an effort to be come for acceptable. My husband and I have been nudists for 30 years and we raised our son and daughter in the lifestyle as well. Infact our daughter runs most of these extra events as well as our night club events. She brings a younger way of thinking to the campground.
I'm west coast and I've had no involvement in this, but I've read in the past of nude paddling events in New Jersey (common in the Pine Barrens?) done by a club or clubs in that area as taking place years ago. They were not races, just day trips, don't remember any mentions of overnighters, but I don't know if camping there is feasible. A day trip by a group (likely not a public invite) would likely be less of an insurance hassle? I also don't know if any of this is still going on. Something to look into? I just tried googling "nude canoeing in Pine Barrens" and didn't get any hits. Good luck.
I'm west coast and I've had no involvement in this, but I've read in the past of nude paddling events in New Jersey (common in the Pine Barrens?) done by a club or clubs in that area as taking place years ago. They were not races, just day trips, don't remember any mentions of overnighters, but I don't know if camping there is feasible. A day trip by a group (likely not a public invite) would likely be less of an insurance hassle? I also don't know if any of this is still going on. Something to look into? I just tried googling "nude canoeing in Pine Barrens" and didn't get any hits. Good luck.
Thanks Nick
One of our residents did mention that they did a nudist event out east several years ago. Not sure if it is the same one as you are referring to.
Our daughter suggested to have some type of a competitive event on Saturday of the weekend and a more leisure canoeing event (maybe poker run) around the lake on Sunday. We would invite all the spectators who attended the Saturday event to come back for the Sunday event and maybe be comfortable enough to strip down for the day. We all work hard to promote our lifestyle. Our daughter has been a huge help involving the younger 20 year old age group and has pretty much taken over the activities at the park for our teens and younger group. The teen boys have always been a difficult group to get involved at the campground
We should apologize.
As we look through the forum, this seems to be more of a canoe "trip" source, so thanks for all who are helping us think about a weekend event
Good luck with your camp. As you have correctly surmised, your event is not the subject matter of this site. Thread locked.
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