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Thoughts on small tandems for solo use / Brand Preference

Thanks for the input, Alan and Gamma1214. I really don't see myself on class III waters or large lakes, so going with the lower height and shaving off some weight is probably going to work for me.
NikonF5user, did you go with the Huron 15? I am going back and forth on the Huron 15 (55 lb) vs Prospecteur 15 (60 lbs). My main question or dilemma trying to figure out whether shaving 1.5 - 2.0 inches off height (Huron) significantly increases the risk of taking on water if the water is choppy. My plan is calm lake fishing, birding, etc. and I don't want to worry if we have modest winds, choppy water. I am trying to keep weight as low as possible without going to kevlar, $$$ in cost, etc. I guess to summarize, is a 5 pound reduction in weight worth the potential risk associate with a 2.5 reduction in depth at the midpoint? Comments from others also appreciated....
If you're not planning on class 2 2+ rapids I am sure the Huron will fit your needs perfectly. My hope is that Esquif increases the T-Formex lite offerings to include the Huron - in which case the Huron 15 becomes even more alluring. I feel the Huron 15 is quite comperable to the Old Town Camper 15 / Pathfinder but heavier - the new T-Formex Lite layup/setup will make it very close in weight, if not even lighter...
If you're not planning on class 2 2+ rapids I am sure the Huron will fit your needs perfectly. My hope is that Esquif increases the T-Formex lite offerings to include the Huron - in which case the Huron 15 becomes even more alluring. I feel the Huron 15 is quite comperable to the Old Town Camper 15 / Pathfinder but heavier - the new T-Formex Lite layup/setup will make it very close in weight, if not even lighter...
Thanks for the input. I decided to go with a Huron 16. It worked out well on the lake this week on a windy day.