Some where around 17 years ago I built a 9' x 9' baker style shed in the back 40 of my 5+ acres with a half round fire pit. Even when it's well below zero, -22 was the record, when the fire is going hard one needs to shed a layer or two. Nothing fancy, rough cut lumber and lots of trees around it to break the winds and the sucker has had up to 4' of snow on its noggin and still hasn't fallen. But, I neglected it for the last few years. I finally spent a few weekend days trimming, pruning, grunting, moving and swearing...lots of that.. to get it back in shape. One more day should see it all good for this winter. Yeah, a winter shed, ticks are too thick in the spring, summer and early fall to hang there. Enough firewood for the next year or two. A few pics.