Hey guys,
Comparing canoes and curious if I’m missing something on this. Looking at manufacturer’s canoe overhead views, and I’m looking at some canoes listed as symmetrical and others listed as asymmetrical. These are all larger 17.5-18.5’ tripping canoes. Note that I am only considering the top of the canoe.
What I’m seeing is that on the symmetrical (listed) canoes the widest part of the canoe appears to be 2-4 inches behind center (center of canoe lengthwise, not the yoke).
Then, looking at some canoes listed as asymmetrical, about the same thing. One canoe listed as asymmetrical in fact has its widest point just about right on the centerline, perhaps an inch forward if anything.
Is there typically some leeway / gray area here on terminology? Are any of these offsets enough to really affect anything…would there be any difference with that small of an amount of asymmetry?
For example, would one expect symmetrical performance even if the widest part of the canoe is 2-4” behind center? Or would you go ahead and put this in the asymmetrical performing category?
Not sure how close it needs to be to be called a symmetrical canoe. As mentioned above the most symmetrical canoe I am seeing looking at all this is listed as asymmetrical.
Any thoughts on the better of the two for lake to lake heavier loaded tripping where stability = good appreciated as well but I know there are a couple other threads on that I’m reading through. Thanks.
Comparing canoes and curious if I’m missing something on this. Looking at manufacturer’s canoe overhead views, and I’m looking at some canoes listed as symmetrical and others listed as asymmetrical. These are all larger 17.5-18.5’ tripping canoes. Note that I am only considering the top of the canoe.
What I’m seeing is that on the symmetrical (listed) canoes the widest part of the canoe appears to be 2-4 inches behind center (center of canoe lengthwise, not the yoke).
Then, looking at some canoes listed as asymmetrical, about the same thing. One canoe listed as asymmetrical in fact has its widest point just about right on the centerline, perhaps an inch forward if anything.
Is there typically some leeway / gray area here on terminology? Are any of these offsets enough to really affect anything…would there be any difference with that small of an amount of asymmetry?
For example, would one expect symmetrical performance even if the widest part of the canoe is 2-4” behind center? Or would you go ahead and put this in the asymmetrical performing category?
Not sure how close it needs to be to be called a symmetrical canoe. As mentioned above the most symmetrical canoe I am seeing looking at all this is listed as asymmetrical.
Any thoughts on the better of the two for lake to lake heavier loaded tripping where stability = good appreciated as well but I know there are a couple other threads on that I’m reading through. Thanks.