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Swift demo day at Rutubaga May 4th

Apr 2, 2024
Reaction score
central ia
The quest for the perfect boat has begun. I know there is no such thing but I am going to try. Drove the 4.5hrs to Rutabaga and arrived with a lot of other folks. I have never been to their shop and thank god the wallet was on lock down. Shannon helped me most of the time as I was pacing about the dock and small parcel of land next to the drainage pond. The boats I tried were the Kee 16 combi, Kee 15 and the Prospector 14.

The Kee 16 combi. The center seat in the high position with the right carbon footbrace length were perfect. No pressure on my bad hips. I am finding that a 32" wide boat is too wide now that I am paying attention to width. The shoulders are not as flexible as they once were so that is why width is important now. The boat didn't turn like I thought it would but on moving water it would be much better.

The Kee 15. After a few short minutes I had pain in my hips from the seat position and side footbraces. A nimble boat but too small. I was working hard not to fall in.

The P14. It was a nice boat with pretty close to the right width. I feel it didn't take much effort to move it about. I was not as comfortable as I thought I should though. Maybe another peg hole on the footbrace? Can you add another foot maybe 2 to the length of the boat as well?

All the boats were kevlar fusion and very light to carry. After the P14 I decided to walk the store, look at all the new/used boats available, try a new paddle, lay on the Exped Megamat 10 and look at all the products. I only have one complaint and that was the web seat in all 3 boats. It felt like I was just sitting on a seat frame and no webbing. I had a good time and thank Swift for bringing boats to try. Onto WPASCR.

The Kee 15. After a few short minutes I had pain in my hips from the seat position and side footbraces. A nimble boat but too small. I was working hard not to fall in.

The P14. It was a nice boat with pretty close to the right width. I feel it didn't take much effort to move it about. I was not as comfortable as I thought I should though. Maybe another peg hole on the footbrace? Can you add another foot maybe 2 to the length of the boat as well?
You didn’t ask for recommendations…but based on what you wrote above, I think you might like a Wenonah. I’ve tried a Wilderness, and it’s stable, has the volume/length you wished for in the Swifts, and has a height-adjustable seat that might help you stay comfortable. They also offer a nice variety of other models if the Wilderness isn’t quite your cup of tea, and most of them seem to be designed with a seated (vs kneeling) paddler in mind.

Good luck with your search!
The quest for the perfect boat has begun. I know there is no such thing but I am going to try. Drove the 4.5hrs to Rutabaga and arrived with a lot of other folks. I have never been to their shop and thank god the wallet was on lock down. Shannon helped me most of the time as I was pacing about the dock and small parcel of land next to the drainage pond. The boats I tried were the Kee 16 combi, Kee 15 and the Prospector 14.

The Kee 16 combi. The center seat in the high position with the right carbon footbrace length were perfect. No pressure on my bad hips. I am finding that a 32" wide boat is too wide now that I am paying attention to width. The shoulders are not as flexible as they once were so that is why width is important now. The boat didn't turn like I thought it would but on moving water it would be much better.

The Kee 15. After a few short minutes I had pain in my hips from the seat position and side footbraces. A nimble boat but too small. I was working hard not to fall in.

The P14. It was a nice boat with pretty close to the right width. I feel it didn't take much effort to move it about. I was not as comfortable as I thought I should though. Maybe another peg hole on the footbrace? Can you add another foot maybe 2 to the length of the boat as well?

All the boats were kevlar fusion and very light to carry. After the P14 I decided to walk the store, look at all the new/used boats available, try a new paddle, lay on the Exped Megamat 10 and look at all the products. I only have one complaint and that was the web seat in all 3 boats. It felt like I was just sitting on a seat frame and no webbing. I had a good time and thank Swift for bringing boats to try. Onto WPASCR.

Swift also has a Prospector 15 which, like the Kee 16 you paddled, can be set-up as a combi. Also, I am near 100% sure that Swift would work with you on the placement of the foot bars and so forth - they do seem to work hard to get it right...
In emails with Bill Swift he said we could do a custom boat if needed. I could have test drove the P15 combi but it was wider than the Kee 16 combi so it never left the grassy area.

Thanks SF for the Wilderness recommendation. I am not against any boat or brand. Just want to find a better fit and not just settle. Maybe the Odyssey 14 I just picked up is the one.
In emails with Bill Swift he said we could do a custom boat if needed. I could have test drove the P15 combi but it was wider than the Kee 16 combi so it never left the grassy area.

Thanks SF for the Wilderness recommendation. I am not against any boat or brand. Just want to find a better fit and not just settle. Maybe the Odyssey 14 I just picked up is the one.
You had mentioned adding a foot or two, hence why my thought ran to the P15. The footbrace can almost certainly be positioned for your needs (and remember Swift has both a foot-bar and kayak-style foot pads, sounds like you'd be looking at a foot-bar). I think this would be true for both Swift and Northstar (both are very responsive when you email or call). I've never talked to anyone at Wenonah, so I cannot addrss them similarly. Nova Craft is also very responsive and seems willing to work with customers, and also has a Prospector 14.

If you want a Swift that is as narrow(er) as the P14, wiith similar stability but longer there are few options. I wonder if Swift still has the mold for the Shearwater? I have never paddled one, but that is a longer solo that is narrow and from what I can tell is quite stable. Agree about the Wilderness above as well. The Odyssey has similar dimensions to the P14 (is a bit narrower and slightly deeper) but weighs a LOT more...