... or is it canoe/fisherman

My foot would be so cramped up after that, I wouldn't walk for a week...Ah yes, the old "foot arch shin draw" stroke.
it's definitely legit, about halfway through you can see the tail swirl when he first brings it to the surface, plus that line appears to be either wire (doubtful) or north of 40lb test going by the way it coils and loops- it's not limp at all. As for cuts, many Newfies handline fished for decades for fish up to, and including 90+lb atlantic cod (some still do), their hands are tough enough to almost blunt a butcher knife.Nice legwork paddling, but although I'm not a fisherman, I'm skeptical about that "catch." There was no fight on the line, there was a video cut before he netted the supposedly live fish, and I think it would risk hand cuts to haul in a big fish with bare hands on line. What do you real fisherman think: Was that a netting of a live fish or an already dead one?
I think the fish was live/this was a real catch.
it's definitely legit
they use wire alone with standard large hooks and a hunk of bait bringing in these monsters into boats similar to the posted video.
I'll take you guys' word for it. I was skeptical largely because so many YouTube shorts, especially from Asia, while entertaining, are click bait fake performances or trick camera work.