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Salmon fishing from Sharps canoe

Sep 17, 2019
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Since the lock down, I have been watching a lot of You tube videos of Atlantic salmon fishing in Eastern Canada.

Some of the videos show fishermen, fishing out of large 20 ' w/c canoes , while others show guys casting and wading.

How do you fish for salmon? Do you use your canoe or do you wade . What rivers do you fish?
I have fished for salmon on the Sacramento River several times out of my OT Guide 18 made in 1951. I have hooked plenty of fish but always had a hard time maneuvering the boat in the current and landing a large fish at the same time. We find the fish by going where the power boat fishermen are with their fish finders.

Next time I run the Sac, I will stop and fish from shore with a big net at the ready.
Mr. Woods,

That is a question that haunts many a fisherman. There are many ways to fish for salmon - and your local environment will dictate this.

I have fished out of my canoe but I prefer not to. I like to float down to a good spot, get out and wade for a good position. I have also been in drift boats with guides as we threw spawn sacks and big stick baits. I like throwing hardware because you can also do it with gloves on. Sometimes if the run is early enough you can wade wet.

They are very light sensitive. If it is a brite day you can often find them in the deepest holes in the river. I like to get out early - walking in in the dark and waiting for the slightest hint of light.

A great way to start - if it applies to your area - are piers. They will stage at river mouths waiting to run, and you can find them here. I would go out at midnite with BIG spawn sacks and glow in the dark Cleo's. Get a camera flash unit off CL. pop the lure with the flash twice and start casting a grid pattern. Always a grid pattern - key - "random casts catch random fish" Work a grid based on water clarity in the day time and best guess at nite. They love to key on structure - find the dip, or hump or big ol log and go to town. Salmon will hold on slack water (unlike a steelhead) and sometimes that little flip of the rod towards a log leaves you spooled.

Now, are we talking chinook, coho's, you mentioned Atlantics? I prefer coho's (they fight like steelhead). You also have a great chance to hook into lake run brown trout which are there feeding on those random eggs rolling around. They don't really stock Atantics where I am. If you are after these remember they have a very soft mouth - set the hook too hard and it will rip right out.

Where are you roughly geographically speaking?
Keeled Over

I'm located in North Central Pa and do most of my salmon fishing on the Salmon River in New York. The salmon fishing I was asking about was the fishing done for Atlantic salmon on big wide rivers such as the Bonaventure , Restigouche , Miramichi and others in Eastern Canada. Since the 1800 's one of the preferred methods of commercial sporting camps was to set up a sportsman with a guide and use large 20 ' wood and canvas canoes . The canoes made famous by these guides were built by the Sharp family. I was asking if anyone here on site uses a canoe to fish for Atlantic salmon .