• Happy Birthday, Michelangelo (1475-1564)! 🎨🖌️⛪👇

Retirement plan

Yes, that is a great idea... I'm sure you could make ten's of dollars!! :rolleyes:
Sure if you like being in the workshop for 100+ hours and have the money to invest. See anyone can paint any canoe like that. You essentially work for nothing cause frankly 7500 dollars is not often paid for any wooden canoe.

But I think Robin ought to try charging that and painting in the HBC stripes for the next reno
One word : decals. Instead of painting an entire canoe with millennial fashionable name tags, just have your dependable canoe factory worker slap a decal on the prow as it slides on down the line and onto the waiting delivery truck. Even your girlfriend Gaga can handle that job. Seriously. Attractive decals of all kinds can be offered in your online store : provincial flags, animals, favourite paddling destinations...even the ultimate in personalized attire - peoples' names. Just imagine seeing a flaming red Chum on a lake near you covered in sequins bearing the tinselled name Lady Gaga. Thousands of orders would pour in, but only half as many as all the angry paddlers issuing threats.
And in a quiet campsite somewhere far away an innocent child will timidly ask the old one "What's a Canoesexual?"
OH BOY! Canoesexual! At the risk of sounding like a dirty anti-elitist, I would like to see some pics of these canoe sexuals. What is their favorite beard oil and moustache wax? Do their plaid shirts have to be Filson, or can you still be a member with an LL Bean?
...altho' I must confess a (small) part of me likes that canoe. It's the graphic and branding thing; commercial types who find what consumers identify with (even if they themselves don't understand why) and deliver easy on the eye products. And not so easy on the eye products. I was serious about the decal thing; not serious about the Lady G thing. People buy t-shirts based on the graphics. Why not a canoe? A little popular pizzazz in graphics form to attract canoe buyers. Okay. That small part of me just got a whole lot smaller.
What are you talking about mem? You're worried you're not hipster-canoesexual enough?! Trust me. When it comes to fashion statements, you're leading the crowd, and waaaay ahead of that curve...with your mall walking shoes and Ripster. Others can only follow.
And in a quiet campsite somewhere far away an innocent child will timidly ask the old one "What's a Canoesexual?"
For this 150th birthday every Canadian ought to know.. You've forgotten Pierre Berton??? I have an illustrated how to guide( a flip book) from Reid Maclachlan if you need tutoring.
Swift is making some decalled canoes for the 150th party
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One word : decals. Instead of painting an entire canoe with millennial fashionable name tags, just have your dependable canoe factory worker slap a decal on the prow as it slides on down the line and onto the waiting delivery truck. Even your girlfriend Gaga can handle that job.

By all means, follow the corporate wisdom of MRC and slap some giant block letters on both sides, PLAID PRANCER CANOE COMPANY should fill the entire space from bow to stern.

Of course you could always replicate this


With a different homage


So we've been selling a number of this pant scheme. Now before you all declare blasphemy it is the younger generation buying these and there's been a lot of comments about how it's only us old farts who canoe.
Ya know, the rainbow striped canoe would fit in well with your other retirement project. Just sayin.

The whole canoesexual thing has unlimited potential for an income stream. The merchandising prospects are out of this world. Reactivate your company and start selling Memaquay branded items from Granfors, Filson, LL Bean. You could have your own brand of beer. Bruin Lager. Pancake mix, dont forget that...Old Timer Flapjacks, with Robins picture on the container. You could even start a whole new craze with flat back canoes and tiny little motors.

As for building canoes...I have been assured that if you start with 200 thousand dollars that it is a snap to make 100 thousand. I think we broke the $3/hr mark on the last one. Very exciting.

Those graphic art canoes look good BWCA. I have no problems with those; but a little curmudgeonly voice in my head is telling me to get a haircut, get a job and don't do that to a canoe. I'm never sure which voice to listen to.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
That was my grand plan for retirement. Build ten boats a year, but reality is a b*tch. I don't even have time to repair the one W/C I have. Add to that Salmon Falls Canoes is less the 10 miles away. So I now have more time now to just go out and paddle and build Wooden Chairs.
Paul had a Colden Starfire at the Solo Canoe Rendezvous.. Normally he puts on the tasteful Colden Logo with the canoe swoosh but this time he decided to add a flame decal and merge it nicely.( he took out the swoosh) I should have taken a picture. I wonder if that was to attract the younger? I'd be embarrassed to lily dip with a canoe with flames on it, but it did attract alot of attention.. And while the boat was finished with mahogany trim the flame decal got most of the attention.
Those boats will not track well, their stripes and arrows do not face the same direction. I thought everybody knew that!

That's exactly right. You know your canoe physics. Plus, the red part will naturally travel faster than the other color parts. The resulting stresses may be greater than the gravitational forces inside a black hole.
Paul had a Colden Starfire at the Solo Canoe Rendezvous.. Normally he puts on the tasteful Colden Logo with the canoe swoosh but this time he decided to add a flame decal and merge it nicely.( he took out the swoosh) I should have taken a picture. I wonder if that was to attract the younger? I'd be embarrassed to lily dip with a canoe with flames on it, but it did attract alot of attention.. And while the boat was finished with mahogany trim the flame decal got most of the attention.

Yeah, that was a nice looking boat. The whole weekend was a good time.