Got the call that it had been delivered yesterday. Today I made the 3.5 hour drive north to pick it up, and then took a little over four hours to get it back home. I chose to take a more scenic (and lower speed) route home. High winds were predicted to strengthen on the highway route that I took to get there. We routinely carry our two rotomolded pack boats over long distances at highway speeds with no issues, but I didn’t feel like trialling this boat in those conditions in the pouring rain. I was lucky enough that it had stopped raining at the shop so I could load it comfortably!
I had spoken with Bear at Northstar in the fall about getting a canoe so I could learn traditional paddling techniques and spend some more time doing photography from the water. I’m a big guy, and he had recommended the Polaris in a dedicated solo configuration, with aluminum trim and riveted seat supports. I also added the footbrace, grab loops bow and stern, and got short float bags for bow and stern. My wife and I primarily paddle flat water, but some of that is Great Lakes flat water, and I wanted some additional buoyancy in case bad things happen.
First impressions: OMG this thing is so light compared to our 14.5 ft. rotomolded boats! Those things are not easily loaded by a single person. This boat? I lifted it onto my shoulder with one hand, and easily transitioned to a two-handed lift onto the roof rack. The blacklite layup looks great. The aluminum trim is more slick than our rotomolded boats, and I need to get some pool noodle or high density foam bits to keep the boat from wanting to slide around on the rack bars.
Now I just need the weather to cooperate a little bit. Rainy and cold this weekend. This week looks to have some decent days in the middle, but of course next weekend looks like rain and cold again!