I carry a real Anemometer on my trips, ok it's a dirt cheap version which might not be 100% accurate. I use it to justify (to myself) taking a wind bound layover day which I do frequently on my long solo trips.
I like the anemometer idea, and have considered its potential verification worth in the past, when standing wind bound on some lakeside or bay shoreline, thinking to myself “The weather radio forecast of “Winds 15-20, gusts to 30 doesn’t seem right. That last blast almost blew me off my feet”.
I print out the 10 day (haha) local area forecast just before a trip, write down the current weather radio forecast every day I can find one, and compare it to the previously recorded days-out predictions, for a weather eye on forecast accuracy and what is unexpectedly changing.
Air (and water) temperature is easy with a little mini zipper-tab style thermometer, but I am wholly guessing at wind speed, perhaps with some conformational “Ain’t nobody paddled in this wind” bias. OK, once bias confirming the wind was too much just before two folks showed up in short, overloaded rec kayaks. They were wet and cold. And lucky.
I would have appreciated some in-camp wind speed reading on trips when the forecast said “Gusts to 50”. I carry a lot of stuff, why not an anemometer on open water trips?
Anyone have a recommendation for a small, fairly hardy, not very expensive handheld anemometer?