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more questions about peel ply

Apr 29, 2024
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First, I want to thank everyone who has patiently answered my many questions. I've been on too many forums that devolve into, let's say, "off topic behavior".
I have a few more questions about peel ply. 1. Can/should I use peel ply over fiberglass cloth if I decide not to bother with Dynel? 2. I've read that masking tape should be removed once epoxy has stopped running, but peel ply should wait for epoxy to cure before it is removed. In smoothing out air bubbles under the peel ply the epoxy is inevitably going to spread beyond the edge of whatever cloth is used and onto the masking tape. I assume this would make any masking tape difficult to remove. Can someone explain what I am missing. Thanks again, Larry
If I was just doing fiberglass, and didn't already have peel ply, I probably wouldn't use peel ply and just add some additional fill coats to cover the texture and then sand it smooth.

If I was doing peel ply I wouldn't bother with the masking tape. Once the peel ply was removed and the epoxy had cured for a couple days I'd just use a random orbit sander to remove any that squeezed out too far.

I haven't seen your other posts, so I'm not quite sure I understand what you're trying to do. That said, I've never had problems pulling masking tape after the epoxy has set up, but is still green (soft but no longer tacky). If you end up with some masking tape residue at that junction, which is likely, you would use a scraper or sandpaper to get rid of it and the ledge of epoxy. Having used peel ply up to that edge, your epoxied area will have a coarse, fabric texture which will require an additional coat of epoxy anyway. If you look at my delamination repair, which is near the top of the cue in this subforum, I do just that. I hope this helps at least a little bit.

Peel ply works fine on a flat surface, or one that is a simple curve.
Once you introduce a compound curve, such as a canoe hull ?
You run into the problem that the Peel Ply won't conform.
I'm talking hand lay ups here.
I failed to get Peel Ply to work on one of my composites.
I like the idea of Peel Ply, it just din't work.

Use a piece of peel ply that is significantly bigger than the area of the epoxy, the "creasing" (if any) is much less likely to extend into the area your are compressing.

Definitely get a roller like this:
