Went for a paddle tonight and took out at the swinging bridge in town. Then it's just a short 2 block walk to my friend's house to get a ride back to the car. But when I get to his house dinner had just came off the grill and the baby was hungry. 1 1/2 hours later I finally get my ride and when I get back to the swinging bridge my canoe isn't there. Hmmm, did that pickup truck that was parked in the lot take it or did I not pull it as far up on shore as I thought?
Canoe wasn't floating around in the eddy. Already dark but I grabbed a flashlight and walked the bank for about about 3/8 mile until it wasn't walkable anymore. River is running high and there's nothing along that stretch to stop it anyway. Stopped by the cop shop to report an AWOL canoe in case they hear of something. Resisted the urge to grab another canoe and check farther downstream where I know there are more trees in the water but I talked myself down and will head out when it's daylight instead.
Stay tuned for further updates.
Jim, keep your eye out for Bloodvein 2.0 in case it comes floating by your shop!
Canoe wasn't floating around in the eddy. Already dark but I grabbed a flashlight and walked the bank for about about 3/8 mile until it wasn't walkable anymore. River is running high and there's nothing along that stretch to stop it anyway. Stopped by the cop shop to report an AWOL canoe in case they hear of something. Resisted the urge to grab another canoe and check farther downstream where I know there are more trees in the water but I talked myself down and will head out when it's daylight instead.
Stay tuned for further updates.
Jim, keep your eye out for Bloodvein 2.0 in case it comes floating by your shop!
