When I brought that boat home and asked my better half to help off load it she said, "This is a piece of crap!" She did help me get it off the racks! Well, I finally got it in the shop and took off the broken/rotted gunwales, Perception saddle and thwarts. Next step wash about upteen years worth of ground in crude off the inside and out. As soon as I started moving it the cold cracks that were in the hull began spreading despite drilling holes at the end of them. Umm, that's not a good sign.
Getting that done was a 3 hour back bending, back aching chore. Got it back to the shed in order to let it dry for a day or so and put some scrap strips of wood at the top of the cracks to hold them in place.
A few days later I go out, flip it onto sawhorses bottom facing up to try at getting the god awful degrading skid plates off. First piece was easy, next as well, third not so much and the fourth peeled up the whole bottom layer of the hull exposing the foam core. That was bad but checking out the foam it was brittle and dry enough to scrap off a layer of dust with a fingernail. I decided it was a bust. I've fixed a lot of boats but this one spent too many years outside in the weather and was beat to hell. Going to cut it up and send it to the dumpster. Sad to see such a nice hull neglected to the point of no return. Included a few pics.
Getting that done was a 3 hour back bending, back aching chore. Got it back to the shed in order to let it dry for a day or so and put some scrap strips of wood at the top of the cracks to hold them in place.
A few days later I go out, flip it onto sawhorses bottom facing up to try at getting the god awful degrading skid plates off. First piece was easy, next as well, third not so much and the fourth peeled up the whole bottom layer of the hull exposing the foam core. That was bad but checking out the foam it was brittle and dry enough to scrap off a layer of dust with a fingernail. I decided it was a bust. I've fixed a lot of boats but this one spent too many years outside in the weather and was beat to hell. Going to cut it up and send it to the dumpster. Sad to see such a nice hull neglected to the point of no return. Included a few pics.