I'm sure you're a good steward of the wild wherever you paddle YC, and many more like you contributing to this forum. Like other issues affecting paddlers (water safety, leave no trace...) education is vital. Some of this is news to me. I'm sure there are many who've never encountered some of these regs before. Are the funds (and will) available to post regs at every access in every control area? Any ad campaigns to spread the word? Probably no to these questions. And then there's enforcement. And more questions.
Some of the regs are simply obvious, but seeing the trashy behaviour in the front and backcountry no reg is too simple and obvious. I bookmarked some online sites listing invasive species and controls. I have some learnin' to do.
On a bike ride last weekend we passed some clear cutting and brown dead swathes of once lush vegetation. The county's approach to battling Emerald Ash Borer and Giant Hogweed. Scanning the news when we got home I read that alien freshwater jellyfish are appearing in the Great Lakes, after first arriving in the 70's. That I didn't know. One more reason to read up on this issue.