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Manitoba/Ontario Route Assistance

Oct 14, 2015
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So I am planning a solo loop trip that I may or may not get to do this year, depends on time and weather. I was looking at the following route description and was looking at the maps (just have to get my hands on one topo I am missing). http://www.paddle.mb.ca/resources/ro...ner-lake-loop/

Here is my question for you Manitoba based trippers: Does the portage between Werner Lake and Almo Lake exist and is it doable? Where is the portage or do you carry the 1+Km down the Werner Laker road? Thinking that option with a pair of wheels may be the answer.

I sent one query to one fellow I know who is very familiar with the region from 30+ years of tripping there - he avoided it and only knows one who attempted it and they regretted it.

For this trip I am seeking 1) low/no people, 2) loop trip, 3) lots of lakes and no overly long or really technical portages and 4) not a long drive. So other suggestions are welcome. I double carry cause I like comfort!
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Have you asked Jerry Amies at Nature Manitoba? Or perhaps that is who you asked already. I have only been as far as Trapline Lake. MNR do not like folk travelling on the road. Be prepared to argue your case if you get caught!

How many days are you planning on being out?
Yes, Jerry is who I contacted first. I caught him before he took off for 5 days. He has been tripping that area almost as long as I have been walking.

I figure its a 3-5 solo - but I am not in a hurry yet to get back outdoors - still enjoying the rest! Still have to get Sophie her sea legs! Her first camping trip is next weekend. Not sure if I can swing the time this year.

I have been up that way as far as Wilson. I know about "The Road" and someone posted a good response from MNR on Trackshare. I will have to search my email for Cheri V. as she is pretty familiar with Wener Lake area. A 1+Km road walk doesn't exactly spin my crank - but it would be better than a 1+Km bush whack or bog hop.
There is always the trip up into the Bird river system...up into Snowshoe and back out again. That is a nice trip off season. Nopiming is likely to have people no matter where yoiu go,especially on a weekend. After labour day is the time to go.

If you want a nice trip, in and out, with short portages, go to the Rice River up the Bloodvein Road north of Bisset. Crown land. We have been several times and it is a good trip. Not too hard but has that out there feel to it. There might be a couple of spots that the current is hard to paddle against solo though since the water is pretty high.

My fave trip is up to Leaf Lake out of Wallace Lake. Again, in and out. We do it a lot. There is a sort of loop option with Birch falls but you need a shuttle.

Our ultimate loop is thrugh Obukowin but you dont want to touch that this year....waaaaaay too wet.

Try the myccr website...lots of good trip reports in the MB section.

There is always the trip up into the Bird river system...up into Snowshoe and back out again. That is a nice trip off season. Nopiming is likely to have people no matter where yoiu go,especially on a weekend. After labour day is the time to go.

There are people on those routes even in winter!! Some nuts are even pulling sleds. Unfortunately no holiday time really left for 2016 so it probably will be a 2017 trip.

Thanks for the suggestions - but I may just bail out to dogtooth/kilvert and explore around. I need to get my H1 card anyway.