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Lows Lake, NY ADK's April trip

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
The forecast called for a great stretch of weather the next few days, so being retired I took advantage of this opportunity to get away to my favorite NY lake. I have been struggling with this "issue" lately and I needed some time to get away from the what if's for a few quiet days. Seems the VA has confirmed I have prostrate cancer which they say was caused from my days as an infantry squad leader in an area heavily saturated with agent orange, Vietnam, country of. Agent Orange, the gift that keeps on giving. So the detection was early, but it's Gleason 9 so it demands serious attention, radiation for 5 days a week for 2-3 months so I have been told.
Each appointment is an eye opener and I learn more as I go.

But enough of that, I got an early start, about 9am...haha, I used to be crossing the Canadian border by 9am, now I sleep late and get there when I get there.

They don't open the dirt roads till May, so I had to use my cart for a 3/4 mile hike in. You see that gate, the ground was too soft around the outside, so I had to unload the canoe there and walk everything around...50 yards from my truck...off to a bad start, and yes, it's a long up and over a hill on that road. I was a hurtin' puppy.


Out front of my first campsite, #7 for as first night's good sleep. Temps dipped to 24F.


Carting around the upper dam. normally my outfit consists of 2 medium sized Duluth packs for anywhere from 4-14 days, but add a wall tent, a wood stove, a cot, a chair, a food box, and the wall tent frame you end up with this mess...UGH!


Out front of my second campsite, it's called "Virgin Timber Landing" and it's an outstanding site. It's reserved for scouts June July and August,(although you can call to get a permit if available during those months), but open to first come, first served the rest of the time. It's got some great views, good swimming, and a few good tent spots.


Out front of VTL,


My tent set up,




paddling around during the day.


ice still on the shore


more day paddling,


A good trip, very relaxing and alot of heavy lifting...but no drinking, herself's and the doc's orders.:(:(:(
Thanks for the trip report, Robin. Nice ride and set up too!

Take care of yourself!


Good luck with your treatments, trips to the ADK's can only help!
Great photo of your tent in the evening, looks so homey and inviting.
Did you venture into Bog Lake? We passed through there around this time of year in 2013(?) and the peepers were deafening! So cool...
You sure got lucky with the weather, and very little wind too.
Was there anyone else out there?
Robin, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I agree with stripperguy trips to the Adks can only be good for you. I've been all over the US and spent a fair amount of time in some crazy wild places abroad, and there is just something about the Adirondacks. Some how I just "feel grounded" there.

I and my family will be praying for a swift and full recovery!
Robin - Thanks for sharing your time at Lows Lake with us. Bank all those great memories so they can help you through the trying days ahead. Remember all the good times still ahead as well.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.

getting old really sucks. Glad you got out.. Nice calm lake this time.
At our age they say you get an operation a year. I m procrastinating though its needed.
I forgot to mention, there's an alternate put it along the road where Horseshoe Lake outlet crosses under.
Early season its usually plenty navigable
I forgot to mention, there's an alternate put it along the road where Horseshoe Lake outlet crosses under.
Early season its usually plenty navigable
Isn't it going upstream? and with lots of flow? I dont know how the stretch is from the lower dam to Horshoe is .have just seen the outflow of the lower dam. Is there a cart trail at the lower dam too?
Isn't it going upstream? and with lots of flow? I dont know how the stretch is from the lower dam to Horshoe is .have just seen the outflow of the lower dam. Is there a cart trail at the lower dam too?

You're probably thinking of the lower Bog River, below the dam...
I am referring to another ingress to Hitchins Pond, about 1/2 mile up the road, past the turn off for the lower dam. Later in the season, the water can be too low and the alders close in, but early season it can be OK. Especially nice around this time since you can avoid the 3/4 miles walk on a soft surfaced road.
I think my buddy from the land of OZ, would say, "Good on ya mate", take care of the psyche, as well as the body...

You might be looking at a SnowTrekker tent or similar and a break down stove in the future...take some of that weight off your load (and your wallet too!).
You're probably thinking of the lower Bog River, below the dam...
I am referring to another ingress to Hitchins Pond, about 1/2 mile up the road, past the turn off for the lower dam. Later in the season, the water can be too low and the alders close in, but early season it can be OK. Especially nice around this time since you can avoid the 3/4 miles walk on a soft surfaced road.

Near the RR right of way? Looking on google Maps
Glad you made it up, Robin. Virgin Timber Landing is a sweet site. I stayed there in my through trip to Inlet two falls ago.

I did an solo overnighter last Fall after getting some news I had to digest. It helped me at the time.

Best of luck to you.
Thanks for all the kind words, I'm pretty confident all will work out for the best.

SG, I thought about that Horseshoe Lake outlet but with the load I was hauling I figured any obstacles could be a real issue. Maybe if I had pryor experience with that route it would have been an option. As it is I thought the road I took in was level, boy was I wrong. My legs where burning going up that hill.

Southcove, a SnowTrekker is a nice tent but my heavy wall tent will have to do. I'm done buying gear. (well, that's the plan..haha)

southcove certainly said it right. "Good on ya mate", take care of the psyche, as well as the body... " This part is just as important, if not more than the medical part.

I hope you can fit in some more quality time enjoying Mother Nature's offerings before the long process starts.
"but no drinking"....bugger. I have the same restriction, for different reasons. It is still nice being out there though. Too bad about the sunshine and calm weather. Probably no bugs either. Hardly worth the effort really.

In the "what doesnt kill you makes you stronger"dept....you and I may need to invest in some tights and red capes, cuz we should be able to leap tall buildings.
And I am sure we will again.

Great weather for a spring trip, and a beautiful place to enjoy it. I love the looks of that Timber Landing site. Heavy gear and lots of stuff you say? Yeah well, that's all the basic comforts of home, and don't it feel good to get back to basics? Sometimes I tell myself " I could just stay out here and live like this." In a few weeks you'll be picking out your favourite boat and beavertail, and getting back to basics again. (If you need a tripping partner to help out, I can drink all your booze and bum all your smokes; I can be helpful like that.)
Take care Robin.
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Sorry to hear about about your diagnosis, Robin. I was in at the same time but being a seagoing guy avoided the defoliants. Keep on paddling!
regards as always,