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It is canoe related...

Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
Warren, Manitoba
Where I live there was a wind vane atop the adjacent shop when Christine bought the place and it stayed there until recently when it finally submitted to the weather, so I decided to make a new one, more fitting to what we do. I put it up on Friday and it actually works. Yes, that is snow pasted on the leading edges of everything, we had our first significant snowfall last night and I think it might stay...

Yea, I could do that, but I want to improve it, that was just the first attempt. It is only 26" long and depending on where one wanted to put it, size does matter.

This gave me something simple to do while I rehabilitate my shoulder, which is keeping me from doing anything else.

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You need to figure out a way to put a propeller on the front that makes the paddler paddle it!
That is the best I have seen, what is it made of? My local wooden canoe shop has one similar, but not as "tripper" friendly. Just some guy who made weather vanes but not a tripper. A canoe and a guy paddling.

Yours is a real tripper, I have to have at least one for my barn, maybe one for above the shop door.

Do you have a website yet? Are you on EBay? Do you take credit cards?
Count me in for 2.
I know of one place that sells them made from bronze, anyone have $2500 for one of those?

This gave me something to do that doesn't stress out my shoulder, I have bicep tendonosis on my right side and cannot do anything which includes working on canoes, so this at least let me build something that I could do with my left hand.

It was cut out of an old piece of pine I found in the basement and is pretty basic. I added the pack in the back in the hopes it would help catch the wind better without adding anything like a wing or whatnot, I just wanted a solo tripping scenario. I want to get a little fancier for the next one, and bigger, better shaping but I need to work on the hardware part of it too, this one is just a screw with washers for bushings.

Might have to wait and see how this one lasts in a Canadian winter.