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Introduction from central Iowa

Apr 2, 2024
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central ia
Where to start? I see Jim D is here and remember Alan G because he purchased boat/s from me many years ago. Like a lot of my hobbies I go like gang busters only to burn myself out or other things, mainly lack of money or time or lose interest, forces me out. That pattern has repeated itself with canoes but I am looking to get back in to it and go places that I have never gone before with a canoe. I started paddling in 2004.

At one time I had 9 canoes of various fair. Now I am down to 2 canoes both OT...a camper and a 186. No one wanted to buy them. 2.5 years ago I had a tornado (pics) come through the yard and it through my encounter into the trees as it ripped the roof off my boat shed (24x48ft pole shed) damaging the boat. Jim D probably could of fixed the boat but I am not that person. The Clipper prospector 14 was still sitting on the rack with out a scratch in the same building along with the OT boats. I ended up selling those 2 boats to a local person. I liked those 2 boats but never loved them.

I am on the hunt for a new boat/boats. That boat quest started with Canoecopia. Hoping to hit Rutabaga Swift Demo day and make it to Western PA as well to try before I buy even if its means alot of travel. The OT are getting heavy with a bad hip and I am at the stage in life that I want something new. Glad to have found this site. Brian


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Brian, welcome to site membership! Feel free to ask any questions and to post messages, photos and videos, and to start threads, in our many forums. Please read Welcome to CanoeTripping and Site Rules! Many of the site's technical features are explained in Features: Help and How-To Running Thread. We look forward to your participation in our canoe community.

We have a number of Hawkeyes here but (to go off topic) not Caitlin Clark, whom the UConn Huskies will battle tomorrow night.
Brian, welcome to site membership! Feel free to ask any questions and to post messages, photos and videos, and to start threads, in our many forums. Please read Welcome to CanoeTripping and Site Rules! Many of the site's technical features are explained in Features: Help and How-To Running Thread. We look forward to your participation in our canoe community.

We have a number of Hawkeyes here but (to go off topic) not Caitlin Clark, whom the UConn Huskies will battle tomorrow night.
Glenn, Looking forward to watching an awesome game tomorrow night! Too bad the two teams didn't meet in the final.
Well Big Hi Brian ! Remember well the times we participated on Project AWARE together!

I think of you, when we travel South, to Boone to see our oldest son and family !

Wondering if you still paddle .

Did the Derechos take down your buildings ?

I just missed bidding, on two Aluminums canoes at an online auction in Webster city. I would have kept bidding, but I was picking up, on the bad vibes from my Wife, so I stopped. Someone got a great deal on a square stern Alumicraft, and a double ender.

Anyway, glad to hear from you Brian. I'm guessing you are empty nesters by now ? And have some spare time !

We will have to paddle together sometime ! Maybe Brushy ?

This is a great site ! Lots of great paddling experience here !
Even some building ;)
Welcome Brian. By all means, travel East to the rendezvous. (It's May 31st thru June 2nd this year) Lots of boats to try out and many here make the trip (if you're social like that). If you'd care to DIY, it sounds as if you've already got experienced help at your fingertips.
Hi Brian!

When I saw the thread title I wondered if it would be you.

I can definitely relate to going all-in on a hobby and then getting out of it. I'm kind of there with canoeing for the last few years.

Your Wenonah Whisper and Spirit II are still getting regular use by friends of mine. The WW1 gave me quite a few paddling miles but it found a new home with someone from Missouri.

Jim, I still paddle but I have been working another job plus my main job for the past 8 years to pay college tuition and to get out of debt. I have only paddled 2 times in last 2 years. My youngest started ISU last year so I can see the light at the end of the tunnel hence the boat search. I have my weekends free for the most part so I am up for a paddle at Brushy or the local rivers if we ever get some water in them.

I had no derecho damage but I did get to witness it because that day my daughter had ISU orientation. We rode the storm out in our car in the middle of the dorm parking lot in Ames. No electricity in Ames, Boone or Ogden. I made it to Dayton for gas (on fumes) and had to take the gravel due to downed power lines from Ogden. There was a day in December, 2yrs ago, where we had storms that produced 4 or 5 twisters. The tornado/storm that went from Jefferson to Duncombe ran right through my property. We were in the basement and herd a loud thump from outside. That was our corn crib being thrown 50ft (pic), pole/boat shed roof missing and alot of tree damage. Missed the house by 100ft and left other out buildings untouched. Weird? Took me almost a year to clean up the place.

Alan, Glad to here the boats are still in use. I always hate to sell but like I said before I liked the boats but did not love them. I have never paid more that $500 for a boat. I am a family of 6 and I had enough boats for all of them. The kids only liked canoeing on ProjectAware, something about that trash, and I dumped my wife on the Boone River close to the bells mill take out. I don't think she went again because she got wet and dirty.
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One of the first boats I bought had some soft spots and Jim offered up his knowledge/epoxy to this complete stranger. One of those never forget life moments. I almost did build my own boat. I had purchased a box of bead/cove cedar strips and how hard can it be? Those got sold too.
Yes ! I remember now seeing damaged farmsteads, South of Ft Dodge, a few years ago. Must have been when you got hammered.
Floated some of the West Branch, this afternoon. She is up at a great level, and my batteries are recharged.

Yes, lets paddle soon ! I'll load up a canoe and head your way !

