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Hemlock or North Star Solo's in the Bay Area????

Jun 18, 2024
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Hi Folks,

Loving this forum! I've recently returned to canoeing after a few years with a girlfriend that's actually into it and the space to keep multiple boats. Since I'd like her to remain my girlfriend, I'm thinking of getting a dedicated proper solo canoe! I've recently acquired an older Rolex mad, river explorer that was her birthday present...and then a Malecite popped up locally that was toooo clean and tooo cheap not to grab. Ive got a solo conk seat on order from the lovely folks at Hemlock Canoe to set up the malecite has a Combi. Out side of an Old Town pack that I I owned briefly about 15 years ago, I've never paddled a dedicated modern solo canoe. I have done a great deal of paddling tandems solo. My favorite, which was a Navarro Loon 16. So of of course I've been lusting after North stars which then led me to Hemlocks. I live in Santa Cruz California, not the most canoe epicenter part of the country so there's not a lot of dealers nearby. I may venture up to Bend at some point to visit Happy Paddlin and test out a Northstar Phopex and Northwind and maybe Ill ventrue out to New York to get to Hemlocks demo night.

But I'm wondering if there are any folks in the Bay Area that have a Northstar or Bell or Hemlock solo that would be interested in meeting up and going for a paddle??
Most curious about the Hemlock SRT.... Seems like a super versatile vote that would handle Western rivers, as well as big California estuaries and small California streams and Sierra lakes. I have the delusion of paddling in the ocean.......


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Welcome. I can't help with your search except to tell you to look often & be ready when something pops up. I'm not in "canoe country" either but the do (very infrequently) show up. A trip to Hemlock would probably solve all of your problems except how you get them all home.
Welcome and congratulations on owning two fine boats. I have a Malecite and it's a great tripping boat and so is the Explorer. My Malachite came with the center seat which I removed so I could put in a yoke for easy carrying. If you need any measurements of where that center seat was installed at the factory I can measure where the holes are and let you know. I can also measure the seat drops (if I can find them after thirty years) so you can get that right too. I will tell you that you will need to remove the center thwart to comfortably paddle from the center seat.

Good luck finding a dedicated solo.
Welcome. Is that a Bluetick Coonhound in your canoe and maybe the inspiration for your forum name? I also have a Malecite with a center seat. I really enjoy paddling it solo and tandem. I bought it used and don’t know if the seat is in the original location, but can also provide specs. I have it slanted slightly for kneeling comfort and foot clearance with the upper edge just below the gunwhale. BTW, I am a former owner of a Redtick hound- great dogs!
Welcome and congratulations on owning two fine boats. I have a Malecite and it's a great tripping boat and so is the Explorer. My Malachite came with the center seat which I removed so I could put in a yoke for easy carrying. If you need any measurements of where that center seat was installed at the factory I can measure where the holes are and let you know. I can also measure the seat drops (if I can find them after thirty years) so you can get that right too. I will tell you that you will need to remove the center thwart to comfortably paddle from the center seat.

Good luck finding a dedicated solo.
Thanks, that'd be great. When I spoke with Dave Curtis he said to go three and a half inches back from center for the first hole and 8 1/2 in back from the first hole for the second hole. His advice was to have your belly button over the center of of the boat.
Welcome. Is that a Bluetick Coonhound in your canoe and maybe the inspiration for your forum name? I also have a Malecite with a center seat. I really enjoy paddling it solo and tandem. I bought it used and don’t know if the seat is in the original location, but can also provide specs. I have it slanted slightly for kneeling comfort and foot clearance with the upper edge just below the gunwhale. BTW, I am a former owner of a Redtick hound- great dogs!
Hudson was all time. Passed in 2018. Part of the reason I took a few years off canoes.
Hi Folks,

Loving this forum! I've recently returned to canoeing after a few years with a girlfriend that's actually into it and the space to keep multiple boats. Since I'd like her to remain my girlfriend, I'm thinking of getting a dedicated proper solo canoe! I've recently acquired an older Rolex mad, river explorer that was her birthday present...and then a Malecite popped up locally that was toooo clean and tooo cheap not to grab. Ive got a solo conk seat on order from the lovely folks at Hemlock Canoe to set up the malecite has a Combi. Out side of an Old Town pack that I I owned briefly about 15 years ago, I've never paddled a dedicated modern solo canoe. I have done a great deal of paddling tandems solo. My favorite, which was a Navarro Loon 16. So of of course I've been lusting after North stars which then led me to Hemlocks. I live in Santa Cruz California, not the most canoe epicenter part of the country so there's not a lot of dealers nearby. I may venture up to Bend at some point to visit Happy Paddlin and test out a Northstar Phopex and Northwind and maybe Ill ventrue out to New York to get to Hemlocks demo night.

But I'm wondering if there are any folks in the Bay Area that have a Northstar or Bell or Hemlock solo that would be interested in meeting up and going for a paddle??
Most curious about the Hemlock SRT.... Seems like a super versatile vote that would handle Western rivers, as well as big California estuaries and small California streams and Sierra lakes. I have the delusion of paddling in the ocean.......
There is a northstar nw solo on Berkeley Craigslist right now. If I didn’t have a similar solo I’d be tempted

Now this is a hard one I think I probably prefer the SRT a little bit shorter and it seems to be a little bit more seaworthy. But I went back and looked at the specs on the northwind solo and the rockers exactly the same as the SRT with is about the same it's just 6 in longer. Anybody know if the black light layup is similar to the premium plus from hemlock or is premium plus closer to ixp?

The northwind is 2 hours from home the SRT is 2 days from home. Although the SRT is much less expensive.....
Now this is a hard one I think I probably prefer the SRT a little bit shorter and it seems to be a little bit more seaworthy. But I went back and looked at the specs on the northwind solo and the rockers exactly the same as the SRT with is about the same it's just 6 in longer. Anybody know if the black light layup is similar to the premium plus from hemlock or is premium plus closer to ixp?

The northwind is 2 hours from home the SRT is 2 days from home. Although the SRT is much less
Isn’t blacklight similar to the Bell blackgold layup. I’ve had a Merlin 2 and currently have a wildfire in BG. Seems like a very sturdy construction. Doesn’t sound like you’re looking for a whitewater boat so I’d be guided by the paddling characteristics you’re looking for. SRT seems like a more exotic option while the northwind is a more general purpose choice. But what do I know — I’ve probably owned 12 boats and I’m still looking for the one.
Now this is a hard one I think I probably prefer the SRT a little bit shorter and it seems to be a little bit more seaworthy. But I went back and looked at the specs on the northwind solo and the rockers exactly the same as the SRT with is about the same it's just 6 in longer. Anybody know if the black light layup is similar to the premium plus from hemlock or is premium plus closer to ixp?

The northwind is 2 hours from home the SRT is 2 days from home. Although the SRT is much less expensive.....
You can always unload the NW solo if you don't like it. Heck buy both and unload the one you don't like.