"It’s not until they get to shore we notice the gash clean through the Royalex, from skid plate to gunwale. Two hours later, we’ve sewn it back up with wire and sealed it with gorilla tape, and we’re on our way again. There’s a lot of pride about the repair, but I feel a collective sense of dread—there are still 100 rapids to come in the next 17 days."
Our own Uncle Skwid paddled a self-supported solo open canoe down the Grand Canyon two years earlier in 2017.
(All ye who think your photo hosting sites, bank account priorities and lives are immortal, note that all of Uncle Skwid's historic photos have disappeared because he linked to a now-dead photo site instead of UPLOADING HIS PHOTOS TO OUR SERVER!)

Self-Supported Tandem Canoe Mission Down The Grand Canyon
I grimace, hold my breath and force the barrel to close. “crapter is full!” I call to the group. It’s day 10 of our 26-day Grand Canyon tandem canoe trip.

Our own Uncle Skwid paddled a self-supported solo open canoe down the Grand Canyon two years earlier in 2017.
Soloing America's Big Ditch: Open Canoe Style
So I'm working on scribbling down a bunch of stuff and pulling together this and that and, while I don't want to bore people with long-winded ramblings that probably mean very little to anyone but myself, I'll start putting some of my rougher, unconnected sentences up here. I'm also trying to...
(All ye who think your photo hosting sites, bank account priorities and lives are immortal, note that all of Uncle Skwid's historic photos have disappeared because he linked to a now-dead photo site instead of UPLOADING HIS PHOTOS TO OUR SERVER!)