I have been meaning to get to this canoe for a while, and it's slowly getting back into shape.
When I put the new canvas on 2 years ago, I only applied 2 coats of paint because I knew it would need to be painted again after a few trips. So I painted it a couple of weeks ago and and it looks good enough for a tripping canoe, it's only going to get scratched again and why add the extra weight of another coat.
Today I started on the wood, the gunnels where looking worse for wear and the ribs needed some touching up. I started with a light belt sanding and then finished up with the palm sander on the rails, then the palm sander and by hand on the ribs. Hopefully the weather will co-operate and I can get the canoe varnished quickly.

The Chum makes for a great little solo tripper, 15' x 30"

When I put the new canvas on 2 years ago, I only applied 2 coats of paint because I knew it would need to be painted again after a few trips. So I painted it a couple of weeks ago and and it looks good enough for a tripping canoe, it's only going to get scratched again and why add the extra weight of another coat.
Today I started on the wood, the gunnels where looking worse for wear and the ribs needed some touching up. I started with a light belt sanding and then finished up with the palm sander on the rails, then the palm sander and by hand on the ribs. Hopefully the weather will co-operate and I can get the canoe varnished quickly.

The Chum makes for a great little solo tripper, 15' x 30"